Recent History in Highland Beach

Your Commission is doing a GREAT JOB….Keep them working for you

Police Boat offshore below

Sunrise on Highland Beach - Paradise

Local Activity

Highland Beach to create the County’s first new fire department in 30 years

A unanimous decision by the Palm Beach County Commission has cleared the way for Highland Beach to create the County’s first new fire department in 30 years.
It took less than 10 minutes last month for county commissioners to grant a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity license, which is required before the town can provide emergency medical service once it starts its own fire department in May 2024.
“We’re good to go,” said Mayor Doug Hillman, whose town is ending a 30-plus year reliance on Delray Beach for that service. “We’re now able to provide enhanced, high-quality lifesaving services to our residents.”

Resounding ‘yes’ from voters lets fire-rescue plans enter next phase

John Shoemaker was pretty sure residents of Highland Beach would vote to support the town’s efforts to start a fire department when they went to the polls last month.
“I had a feeling from talking to residents and people in the condos,” said Shoemaker, a town commissioner. “I also had a feeling that we had all the bases covered” in explaining why a Highland Beach fire department was necessary.
Shoemaker was so confident residents would give the town the green light to spend up to $10 million to create the department that he predicted nine out of 10 voters would favor the proposal.
He came pretty close.
When all the votes were counted, the measure passed by just a shade off 89%, with a little more than 11% of close to 1,500 voters rejecting the idea and supporting the continuation of receiving fire rescue service from neighboring Delray Beach.
If he was taken aback by anything, Shoemaker says it was that the number of votes supporting the initiative wasn’t higher.
“I was surprised that we had over 150 people voting no,” he said. “There was no negative to this.”
Shoemaker said he suspects those who voted no are happy with the service they receive from Delray Beach and don’t see a need for change.
In fact, residents and even town leaders have had nothing but praise for the service they have received from Delray Beach over the years.
The issue, commissioners said, came down to money and control of costs.


Veteran Heroes of Highland Beach | Town of Highland Beach

“We are proud to announce that our Public Works Department placed 1st in Region VI for the American Waterworks Association’s “Best Tasting Drinking Water” award! This accomplishment speaks volumes to the skill and dedication of our Water Treatment Plant staff, who work around the clock to ensure that our Town water maintains the highest level of quality.”

Click on this New News:

Best places to retire to in the South | Herald Community Newspapers |

Highland Beach is #2 in the USA!!

A Proclamation for Army Colonel Claude Schmid, founder of the “Lost Patrol” providing Hospice services for Veterans across 24 States. He & Ludnila live in Highland Beach.

Presented by the Town Mayor, Vice Mayor, Commissioners L-R: Shoemaker, Evelyn David, Claude Schmid, Doug Hillman, Natahsa Moore, David Stern, Town Manager Marshall Labadie.

Our Newly Purchased Fire & EMS vehicles.

Both vehicles are in storage and will get wrapped and painted.

Migrant Boats Wash Ashore on Highland Beach

