John Shoemaker, Former Commissioner

Term: March 24, 2020 - March 2023   

Truth. Honor. Teamwork. Action

NOTE: This website is about my Campaign and much more…about me, my experiences, my family, and my life.  Pictures taken by me and are proprietary.

As Commissioner for the Town of Highland Beach, I continue my pledge to serve the best interests of all residents with a strong commitment to making prudent decisions while being action-oriented, using common sense, listening to your input, and conducting all activities with respect and honor.
This is our home and it is critical to retain its character, ensure reasonable improvements, and preserve and protect our sense of harmony as our safe harbor in paradise.

Click here for the Town Link re “our Commission”:

Our Commission | Town of Highland Beach

Paid by John Shoemaker for Highland Beach Commission.

My commitment, faith, and fidelity are to our town.

02/19/2023 Father Horgan reminded us to value “Devotion, Humility, and Service”. I pray to honor those values.


Town Government

Below please click on each box below for details.

Protect. Preserve. Peace. Paradise.


The Palm Beach Post Endorses John Shoemaker!

Article of the PBPost is below from Publication on Febrary 23, 2023

  • From Doug Hillman, the Mayor of Highland Beach:

John has been an integral part of the success of our Commission’s accomplishments. His dedication to the group efforts is evident by his always being prepared, creative ideas, and relenting drive toward the Town’s needs. I have enjoyed working with him and look forward to his second term.


  • From Natasha Moore, Vice Mayor - Commissioner of Highland Beach:

I fully support the re-election of John Shoemaker to the Highland Beach Commission. John has done an outstanding job as a commissioner, such as providing valuable insights into issues, participating meaningfully in all meetings and town events, and promoting what’s best for Highland Beach. He is the ultimate “can do” type of person and takes the initiative to fully understand all issues that come before the commission. He is an excellent team player and works extremely well with each commissioner and town hall staff in a productive way. This is a critical time for Highland Beach as we establish our independent Fire Rescue system and make progress toward other important strategic priorities. We need John Shoemaker on the Highland Beach Commissioner team to ensure our continuing success.


  • From Evalyn David - Commissioner of Highland Beach:

It has been my pleasure to have worked with John on the Highland Beach Commission for the last several years.  He is dedicated to preserving the safety and well-being of all Highland Beach residents.  As such, he is always well-prepared to discuss any issues before the Commission.  His conclusions are always well thought out.


  • From David Stern - Interim Commissioner of Highland Beach; President of Highland Place Condominium

I  support the re-election of John Shoemaker, who has demonstrated tremendous commitment and excellent analysis to make decisions on town issues. He always has challenges and questions on all topics brought before the commission so that the community has a clear understanding of all of the issues. He should be re-elected to continue representing the residents with outstanding results.


  • From Jason Chudnofsky - President of Coronado Condominium

John Shoemaker is a man of integrity and is born to lead. As a veteran, businessman, and public figure he is at the helm of making challenging decisions and following thru to completion. Being a hands-on professional is one of his greatest assets. I’m proud to have John represent the town of Highland Beach. Sincerely, Jason Chudnofsky, Coronado Board President and Town Planning Board Member


  • From Ken MacNamee, Delray Political Watchdog: To Highland Beach Voters:

I would like to endorse Commissioner John Shoemaker for re-election to a second term of office. He has demonstrated competence and commitment as an effective government executive to the benefit of his community of Highland Beach. Of particular note is how he handled the effort to make a monumental decision to establish an independent Fire/EMS Service which I witnessed firsthand.

He rolled up his sleeves asking probing questions. He uncovered and exposed bogus presentations and information from Delray Fire Chief Tomey. As a community watchdog, I watched the proceedings and was impressed with the Commissioner's preparation, leadership, and courage to deliver results.

I live in Delray and have followed its Commission actions for over ten years. Mr. Shoemaker is far more qualified and committed to serving his electorate better than any Commissioner I have ever seen in Delray. Highland Beach is fortunate and blessed to have John Shoemaker.

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about my endorsement or qualifications to opine. Ken MacNamee,


  • From Dr. Rick Greenwald, a 25-year resident of Highland Beach and active member over the years in Town Hall Advisory Boards and other activities…

“John Shoemaker deserves your support and another term as Commissioner. John has amply demonstrated his love and concern for Highland Beach. He has put in the time to learn about issues, listen to differing opinions and, when appropriate, modify his own. During his tenure governance, collegiality and community outreach have all greatly improved. The Town has embarked on the creation of a new Fire Rescue Department, the most important public safety project since creation of the water plant. Now is not the time to experiment with untested, untried leadership. Keep the ship on course.”

  • From Maggie Chappelear, a twenty-year resident of Highland Beach and Chairperson of the Environmental Resources Advisory Board

    I support John Shoemaker because he listens, gets involved, and represents the residents on the Commission. We need more civic-minded, ethical people like John in this town! I am happy about your endorsement by the Palm Beach Post newspaper and it is my honor to be associated with you on my own run for Commissioner. The town needs people who are willing to work hard to reach our town's goals and you are as dedicated to Highland Beach as you are to your family which I admire!

The Palm Beach Post Newspaper Endorses Shoemaker for Commissioner for a Second Term

Like any municipality, Highland Beach faces challenges of running efficient services and defending against climate change. The town has two openings on its five-member commission to help tackle those issues: one is for a three-year term; the other would fill the remaining year in the seat vacated by Peggy Gossett-Seidman, now in the Florida House. For the three-year term, we endorse incumbent John Shoemaker, a retired business executive, and Vietnam Army combat veteran first elected in 2020, who has lived in the town for 18 years. For the one-year slot, we endorse Margarita “Maggie” Chappelear. There are big projects ahead that Shoemaker wants to see completed, in particular the town’s transition to having its own fire department. Highland Beach was among the first to draft a building certification ordinance after the Surfside condo collapse. But continued attention needs to be paid to structural and electrical inspections, and to regulating docks, piers, boat lifts, setbacks, and seawall heights, Shoemaker said. The commission also needs to prioritize flood control, particularly near the Intracoastal Waterway, he said. Maggie Chappelear, a 37-year Highland Beach homeowner, says her developer experience would serve her as town commissioner, particularly during the fire station construction. She is involved in dune restoration and working to control boat wakes that damage seawalls and endanger boaters.

Town Link: Heroes of Highland Beach

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