Blog #14 When Lies Destroy America’s Spirit

This is about lies, lies, and more lies.

What do you do when someone lies directly – to your face – with no second thoughts?

When it happens, do you just walk away, ignore it, fume about it or do you want to punch them in the face?

It depends, of course, on how egregious the lie is and how it affects you, your family, and your life.

Today is just another day of lies that are so blatant and so outrageous it leaves one breathless. Unfortunately, that is what political lies do and worse, mostly you have to just grin and bear it.

The examples are so numerous and exhausting, but it is not limited to either Democrats or Republicans. They both lie, deceive, distort, and exaggerate.

President Biden recently lied yet again to us – right to our faces. The Chinese Balloon that flew over our country for thousands of miles was treated as nothing but a big yawner. We were told that it was harmless. But now we learn from liberal NBC News that it wasn’t. It collected data on our ballistic missile sites and communicated in real-time back to China all kinds of data via satellite and other means. It was able to navigate with directional control and focus on target sites. It was an intelligence disaster for America.

Our DOD is more focused on Woke Social programs while recruiting is dismal and overall force readiness is at a terrible level and declining.

But that latest lie is nothing compared to all the other lies we hear – over and over. We must not forget what the current Biden mantra is doing to us.

Let me list the ways:

·  The origins of Covid started in a fish market, with no Chinese military involvement, the Wuhan Labs were not funded in part by the U.S. CDC, Fauci’s guidance was trustworthy, and we did not do gain-of-function experiments for germ warfare.

·  Businesses, Schools, Churches, and Entertainment venues all needed to be shut down, and family gatherings and all travel must stop, but it is ok to shop in big box stores, large grocery stores, liquor stores, strip joints, or buy lottery tickets. The costs to the economy, families, society be damned for the greater good.

·  Covid vaccines are safe and prevent getting Covid, lies about masks, social distancing, and contagious virulence, then there is the “war of the Unvaccinated”, and children and babies need vaccinations.

·  We have the UN’s WHO controlled by China while we fund it and they dismissed China's involvement in the origins of Covid and stated that the virus was not contagious.

·  As for Afghanistan, those American citizens left behind plus over $7 Billion in weapons left for the Taliban, it was an overall historical success per Biden.

·  Our DOD can somehow be combat-ready as we reduce the size of our ground, air, and naval forces. Our military needs to focus on DIE - diversity, inclusion, and equity - to be a more effective fighting force. It is not a problem to reduce the physical standards/requirements for military duty.

·  Working Americans won’t suffer higher taxes, the IRS’ hiring 87,000 new armed agents are only going after the rich, inflation is transitory, and our economy is strong – ignore the banking crisis, lower stock market, layoffs in high technology, and decline in personal disposable income.

·  Defunding the police will make us safer, guns are the problem – not criminals.

·  The Bidens are not influence peddling or profiteering from China, Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation.

·  Social justice will serve us well – no cash bail, fewer prosecutions, and less imprisonment. Remember, groups like ANTIFA are just an idea, while White Supremacy groups are the real enemy along with domestic terrorists composed of parents attending school board meetings.

·  America is Racist and therefore Reparations, CRT, and Woke and Cancel Culture will help us rather than divide us.

·  Support “DIE” or Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity which obviates the need for a meritocracy. Equity is more important than equality.

·  Gender identity, puberty blockers, and surgical sex operations are positive actions for our children and not real money-makers for Childrens Hospitals. Men can be women and get pregnant. Parents don’t need to know about what teachers tell their children.

·  Our borders are “secure”, but are also a “challenge”. Don’t believe your lying eyes when you see millions of illegals cross the border along with the flood of drugs, sex trafficking, Cartel gangs, and more.

·  Democrats don’t want to give illegal aliens voting rights while Republicans don’t want cheap labor for corporations.

·  We can convert all new cars to electric by 2035 to affect climate change and will reduce worldwide temperatures.

·  Energy Independence is unimportant but higher gas prices and special tax credits are not used to justify conversion to EVs, buying dirty oil from Venezuela or Iran supports Climate Change policy.

·  Climate Change: The oceans are rising dramatically, the Arctic is melting, and entire sections of the world will be underwater in the next few years (ignore that Plymouth Rock is still on the edge of the ocean unchanged since 1620)

·   If we can reduce the US carbon footprint, we can reduce the World’s temperature by one or two degrees in the next few years – without the help of China, Russia, Africa, and India.

·  The war in Ukraine is important to our National Security and was not preventable, it is important that the US fund Ukrainian pensions and retirements while not seeking regime change in Russia.

·  The US has no idea who blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline from Russia.

·  The US Govt does not censure information or weaponize the DOJ and FBI or IRS. Ignore the Twitter files and the FBI’s involvement or the visit by the IRS to a journalist’s home on the day he was testifying to Congress on censureship.

·  ESG or Environmental/Social/Government and Globalist views are part of the New World Order strategies and are the only true path for the world to follow for a better future. Nationalism is considered evil.

·  Not to worry about any of this…after all, Communist China is our competitor friend, and they will not invade Taiwan or dominate the world.

This list of lies, distortions, and deceit is far from complete, but nearly all of it occurred in the last few years and was manifested in the most destructive ways imaginable. Don’t forget the greatest lie proven false in all American history is Trump’s “Russian Collusion”. It was promoted for over four years and many Americans believed it and even now refuse to accept anything different.

News junkies must be depressed by the realization that the United States is truly on the precipice of disaster. Our leadership seems to have lost any common sense and is deliberately doing the opposite of what would normally be considered good, or at least, reasonable policy.

I mean, you don’t empty prisons and expect crime to go down. Just look at what defunding the police has done to our major cities across the USA. You don’t create social tribes and not expect division. You don’t wake up one morning and stop our energy independence while believing it is acceptable to import dirty and more expensive oil from enemy states like Venezuela and Iran.

The strain on our patriotism, initiatives, and historical good spirits is like running through molasses.  

Additionally, we seem to have lost our way with dysfunctional behavior, reduced respect for the rule of law, and lost basic values. Without religion, there is little faith. Hope disappears and dependency increases. This is the fertilizer for totalitarianism to take seed and grow.

America has been different than all other countries because of its spirit of hope and optimism. When that disappears, so will the country that gave the World freedom, effective capitalism, and economic growth and wealth.

The Formula: Developing autocratic governments want malaise with social and economic chaos, they make unrealistic social promises to gain acceptance, identify those groups who are the cause of the disorder and make them enemies of the State, over-regulate industry, disable the court system, rig elections, censure the media and corporations, and use the military to gain control while eliminating those who don’t follow the new world order under the new savior, a.k.a dictator.

They must break the spirit to gain dominance. Our Founding Fathers warned us about Big Government.

It is just another time in history when intellectuals, political activists, and other elites get outsmarted by saviors with guns.

Will the American Spirit survive?



Blog #15 I’m Tired of the NONSENSE


Blog#13 Gun Control