War Story #21 The Dark Side of Draft
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

War Story #21 The Dark Side of Draft

The draft brings out humanity's best and worst during war. My experience was mostly positive. In combat, courage is colorless, as is cowardice. This is my experience as an infantry platoon leader in Vietnam.

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War Story #20 War, Music & Survival
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

War Story #20 War, Music & Survival

This is the story of a 21-year-old who volunteers to go to Vietnam to fight for American soldiers, his own survival, and to test his metal as a man. He takes the time to finish college, get two years of intense training, and then leave his wife and baby to fight in a war halfway around the world. He recounts the music from that time that leaves an indelible mark on his memory and those who gave all.

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War Story #19 Beyond Endurance
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

War Story #19 Beyond Endurance

How much can a soldier take in war? This article details the costs of war and humanity’s continued struggle with devastating war. There is a thirst for war all over the Globe. Humanity is a long way from becoming civilized and its endurance for death, destruction, and debilitation continues unabated.

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War Story 18: Why Don’t I have PTSD?
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

War Story 18: Why Don’t I have PTSD?

PTSD is a complicated subject. It is real, and it is debilitating. As one former combatant, I am asked why I don’t have PTSD. Everyone is different but I give one perspective that helped me. I pray for all Gold Star Families who experience loss and grieve for a lifetime. I also pray for all those afflicted with PTSD.

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War Story 17: War, Emotions, Hope, Purpose
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

War Story 17: War, Emotions, Hope, Purpose

It was a time of great conflict domestically and internationally for America. This brief story gives a personal view of the Vietnam War from a veteran who valued his time in the infantry. It meant risking everything. It gives a realistic of what it was like and the mix of emotions endured. Most importantly, it gives the reasons for his survival.

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War Story 14: What is that smell?
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

War Story 14: What is that smell?

In 2020, I reflected on the Pandemic/COVID War and the contagion that was killing millions. I then recounted my time in another war that was in the killing fields of Vietnam.

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War Story 12: Coming Home From War
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

War Story 12: Coming Home From War

A tour of duty in Vietnam lasted 12 months. They would be defining moments in any man or woman’s life. Some would not make it out alive. This is s story of the last days before coming home.

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War Story 11: The Deadliest Sniper
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

War Story 11: The Deadliest Sniper

With 103 confirmed kills and 216 probables in Vietnam, Chuck Mawhinney was 'just doing my job' as the deadliest sniper in Marine Corps history. (Picture Courtesy of Chuck Mawhinney)

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War Story 10: The Lord Was My Shepherd in Vietnam
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

War Story 10: The Lord Was My Shepherd in Vietnam

The Lord was my Shepherd with me on the Ho Chi Minh Trail with my platoon in the summer of 1970. I was the 1LT 3rd Platoon Leader with Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry, of the 196th Light Infantry Brigade in the Americal Division headquartered in Chu Lai, I Corps.

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War Story 8: War, Pain, Family & Closure
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

War Story 8: War, Pain, Family & Closure

War is unforgiving. No matter what side a soldier is on when he or she loses the battle, the family continues to feel the loss for the rest of their lives. This is the story of one family that finally got closure after 50 years.

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Below are true war stories involving one long year in the Vietnam War. More stories, podcasts, & YouTube will be coming with many having been published nationally. Keep scrolling for Podcasts of Stories.

Hidden Heroes Town: We are proud to announce that we have officially become a “Hidden Heroes Town”, an initiative of the Elizabeth Dole Foundation that offers health and wellness resources and aid to veterans and their caregivers. For more information, please visit www.hiddenheroes.org and www.highlandbeach.us/veteranheroes or contact or Town Clerk Lanelda Gaskins at (561) 278-4548 or lgaskins@highlandbeach.us.

Ghosts of War…they never returned home…


~ A Nation Honors our Vietnam Veterans and their Families ~

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