Bog #46 Why is America in Peril?
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Bog #46 Why is America in Peril?

Is America in a death spiral? What the hell is going on in America these days? Have we lost our minds? Are the elite Oligarchs at the root cause of this social and political chaos?

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Blog#44 America’s Life/Death Decision Which Path Will It Follow?
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog#44 America’s Life/Death Decision Which Path Will It Follow?

America is at a crossroads and needs to make a clear decision on whether to replace its past model of regulated capitalism with a socialist government. The consequences of the Harris/Walz candidacy are extreme and not to be taken lightly. The decision will determine the future and fate of our grandchildren and beyond.

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Blog #43 Why Kamala is Dangerous to America’s Future
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #43 Why Kamala is Dangerous to America’s Future

Kamala is a Socialist with a long background in radical left-liberal progressive politics, more aptly called Socialism/Marxism. Here is a list of policies that reveal her true colors, which fly in the face of America’s heritage as a Republic with the rule of law based on her radical ideology that is beyond DEI, Woke, Tax the Rich, and Racist controls that create social chaos, crime, and division while penalizing business, individual initiative, and freedoms.

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Blog #42 Who is Kamala Harris? Here Is Her Sordid History.
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #42 Who is Kamala Harris? Here Is Her Sordid History.

A MUST READ. This is a review of the history of Kamala Harris that shows her commitment to Marxism/Communism from her early days with a sordid past that is so disheartening that someone like her could rise to the level of being a candidate for President of the US.

May God help us!

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Blog #41 Why Would I Vote for a Republican?
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #41 Why Would I Vote for a Republican?

Many Democrats have taken an extreme view and don’t understand why anyone would vote Republican with Trump. This article is a record of my reasons for being a believer in MAGA and Trump. More than half the country cannot be wrong this time.

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Blog #50 Great Articles by J Turley
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #50 Great Articles by J Turley

Jonathan Turley is a Constitutional lawyer, professor, commentator. His perspective on the law and implications for our society is excellent. Read his lates article on the Trump-Biden Debate.

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Blog #49 Revelations from America’s Greatest Hoax
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #49 Revelations from America’s Greatest Hoax

This is my assessment of what happened at the Trump-Biden Debate. I was a Biden failure of epic proportions. It revealed the greatest of all hoaxes that the Democrat Party, Liberal Elites, Main Media, Celebrities, and his own family has been made on America and the World for the past four yeas or more.

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Blog #48 Biden’s Debate Debacle
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #48 Biden’s Debate Debacle

My goodness, Biden unraveled in front of the entire world. He could not hide anymore. The Democrats created another massive hoax in America. They are just as responsible for all the lies, deceptions, and programing of our President as his wife. But danger lurks now more than ever.

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Blog#46 Democrats Have Lost America
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog#46 Democrats Have Lost America

Democrats who have religion need not read this. Independents are invited. America is experiencing a political crisis that affects the future of our meritocracy, capitalism, freedoms, and wealth.

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Blog#45 When Will I Die?
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog#45 When Will I Die?

No one wants to think aout it. But we all have tha expiration date. Life is a challenge. As they say, no one gets out alive. So, if you live long enough and you are ready to retire, what should you do? It is an important choice that affects your life.

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Blog #44 Biden’s “Truth or Consequences”
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #44 Biden’s “Truth or Consequences”

President Biden’s SOTU address was quite revealing. He delivered the speech like an Old, ANGRY SCREAMER…without patience, tolerance, compassion, or warm feelings - and certainly not to create unity but to highlight division in our country. Here is the list of what he says in general that he believes in, but do you?

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Blog #43 What’s Happening…My Take
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #43 What’s Happening…My Take

America has lost its mind with mind-blowing changes swirling around with our culture, our lives, and our future at stake. Here is my take on things happening with links to get more perspective. My view is that we need to return to basic American values that have broken away from past systems of governance in human history and created the wealthiest, most successful, and most innovative country ever conceived on the planet.

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Blog #42 The Rape of America
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #42 The Rape of America

America is not only being invaded by hordes of people coming illegally, it is being forced by left-liberal lunatics to change our culture of success, wealth, and freedom to one of democratic-Marxist-socialism. America is being raped by those who will not build it but will destroy it.

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Blog #41 Gulag Archipelago
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #41 Gulag Archipelago

This essay gives a summary view of one of the most revealing acts against humanity - sending people to the Gulag. While the three volumes are intense and expansive, most can’t take the time to read all of it. But here you can get a sense for the depravity, horror of being sent to the Gulag by one man who escaped from Russia.

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Blog #40 America’s Dilemma: Presidential Dementia
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #40 America’s Dilemma: Presidential Dementia

America faces a great dilemma with a President who has lost credibility due to his failing mental health. It comes at a time when there are multiple wars/conflicts going on around the world with geopolitical and social challenges that will affect the future prosperity, culture, and safety of America.

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Blog #39 What if they left?
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #39 What if they left?

Illegal aliens… What if they all left? What would be the consequences for America? Author Unknown but a real thought teaser.

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Blog #38 I Was Once a Normal Person
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #38 I Was Once a Normal Person

Yep, I used to be a normal person. Somehow, things got flipped, and the culture of things is radically different. The author is unknown, but it is worth a quick 3-minute read.

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Blog #37 Consequences of DEI
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #37 Consequences of DEI

Do you know what DEI is and the consequences of such an ideology that seems to be gripping the social fabric of the United States? This article gives a basic intro to the downside of a dangerous movement that is affecting all institutions of government, the military, and academia.

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