Blog #36 Conflict: Rage vs Reason
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #36 Conflict: Rage vs Reason

It is the age of rage, and it will get worse in 2024. The Election in the U.S. will be a defining moment in its history. Some believe it is a clear decision between Democratic Socialism/Marxism with big government and a Republican party representing Nationalism and smaller government. The left side of the Democratic Party is forcing change across all our institutions. What is at stake is the fundamental values that have created our status as a wealthy, productive nation.

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Blog #35 American Grit:  6 Mistakes our Government Made in 2023
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #35 American Grit: 6 Mistakes our Government Made in 2023

Veteran News talks about the SIX MISTAKES made by the Biden Administration. While they detail 6 big ones…unfortunately Biden and his incompetent Cabinet have made many more than that. But this is a good articulation of obvious and grievous mistakes that are mostly unnecessary.

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Blog #34 Lies, Lies, Lies…
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #34 Lies, Lies, Lies…

Are you tired of the lies we get from our own Government, our elected officials, or our federal law enforcement executives? No one can sue a politician for lying. Politicians even lie to each other. Here is a list of the most egregious lies in the last several years that negatively impact all of us.

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Blog #33 Democrat Policies Are Not Killing America?
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #33 Democrat Policies Are Not Killing America?

America is in turmoil. It seems it has turned against itself. The world is in chaos, and the tribes/self-interested groups create protests, conflicts, and commotion rather than take positive action to support their beliefs within our system, our way of life, and our raison d’etre. This article lists the key policies that are killing America.

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Blog #32 Radical Islamic World Domination
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #32 Radical Islamic World Domination

The dangers of Radical Islam are understood during disparate moments in time, but the long-term curse on humanity is real. Jihadis have no tolerance for non-Muslims or Infidels. Still, many do not see the danger and are ready to embrace those who would kill or torture them if they had control over them. Is humanity moving headlong into a World Religious War?

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Blog #31 Where Are America’s Sheepdogs?
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #31 Where Are America’s Sheepdogs?

America is fast becoming a nation of sheep. Will the sheepdogs be there for us when they are completely dependent on the government? Are we on the road to ruin? Will America wake up before it is too late?

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Blog #30 Anti-Semitism in America
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #30 Anti-Semitism in America

Victor Davis Hanson writes an EXCELLENT article on what is unfolding, after years of subterfuge, on American campuses. Jews unknowingly funding the indoctrination of college students to support antisemitism has finally been exposed in all its ugliness.

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Blog #29 Predicting Next Terror Attack
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #29 Predicting Next Terror Attack

There can be no doubt that we will be attacked in our homeland by Islamic extremists. A likely source will be some of the millions we have allowed to cross our border illegally. The time and place is unknown, but the expectation is real.

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Blog #28 It’s the Border, Stupid!
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #28 It’s the Border, Stupid!

It is incomprehensible that we have allowed open borders and the migration of millions of illegals into our country unvetted. The potential for chronic social unrest is high. The consequences could be horrific.

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Blog #27 Democrat Conundrum
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #27 Democrat Conundrum

Are you a Democrat? If so, you must be feeling sick these days. The turmoil we see in the USA and around the World is not going away soon but started in earnest just 2 1/2 years ago.

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Blog #26 The Arab Curse
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #26 The Arab Curse

The Arabs are cursed with a narrow focus on Islam, without capitalism and a lack of entrepreneurial fervor, with continued reliance on commodities while sustaining conflict with other religious and ethnic groups. The disaster for humanity continues with butchery in Israel by Sunni Muslims in Hamas.

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Blog #25 The Coming Political Storm
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #25 The Coming Political Storm

The Political struggle made by those who want to keep power at any cost - buying votes, restricting rights, regulating business, ignoring social chaos - is being rejected, and the fight to prevent cropping socialism is getting more serious. From Jeffrey Tucker’s article: “They are using every mechanism—appeals, smears, cancellations, and dirty tricks galore—to keep the public at bay while keeping their powers.”

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Blog #24 Pleading for Mercy…       Restoring Hope
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #24 Pleading for Mercy… Restoring Hope

Where is the value for life these days? Where is mercy? The US society has been upended by political ideologies that run counter to traditional values while creating division, dysfunction, crime, and outrage. The path we have been following in the last few years is very dangerous, but fortunately, the solutions are clear and give reason for hope.

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Blog #23 The Coming Collapse
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #23 The Coming Collapse

The coming collapse is not what you think. This article reviews all the conflict and utter chaos worldwide and the two countries facing imminent collapse, and what the USA needs to focus on to get back to a continuum of improvement and progress.

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Blog #22 What’s Wrong with America?
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #22 What’s Wrong with America?

What is happening in America? We have created a hugely successful model of governance and law for all humanity, yet it is all threatened by a rush to radical notions - most of them complete failures.

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Blog #19 Who Will Come to Your Funeral?
John Shoemaker John Shoemaker

Blog #19 Who Will Come to Your Funeral?

Well, your time will come, sooner or later. The expiration date on life. Who will come to your funeral? What if you could change the guest list? What can you do now?

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