Blog #32 Radical Islamic World Domination

We have all seen the results of Islamic Jihad. It is a curse on all humanity.

The challenge is that it is a continuing problem for the Western World and Asia. Radical Islam is not about conquering people for money, for their land, or for their way of life. It is about capturing souls with their religious fanaticism.

Estimates of the number of Muslims worldwide exceed 1.9 billion. About 100 million have supported ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other radical Islamic groups. At the least, we are talking about millions of potential Radical Jihadis around the world. It is also important to note that while Christianity has slightly more followers, the fertility rate is much higher among Muslims and will exceed all others by the year 2050.

25 Countries with the Highest Muslim Population in the World (

It has been said that not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims. Worldwide, the conflicts involving Radical Muslims are expanding. This includes the countries of Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Russia, and Bangladesh.

Even China is not immune from Islamic conflict. Chinese Muslims or Uyghurs were rounded up by the government, and they are now interned in large detention camps with charges of slave labor, harvesting organs, and torture by Chinese officials. Some believe the Uyghurs or Turkic Muslims number over one million in a country that discourages all religions.

Xinjiang internment camps - Wikipedia

We also remember what happened in the Middle East during the conflicts with ISIS and Al Qaeda. Westerners captured were executed - videos were made of gruesome scenes. The idea of forcing a captured Jordanian pilot into a steel cage, with hundreds gathered around to witness the event, while they poured gasoline on him and set his afire to the cheers of the terrorists. Tales of rape, torture, and all types of insane brutality were commonplace, then and now.

Burned Alive: ISIS Video Purports to Show Murder of Jordanian Pilot (

Fast forward to today, and once again, the Middle East is at War. The killing, torture, and carnage continue unabated. Hamas, a Sunni Muslim group, starts the war by launching thousands of missiles into Israel and commences a ground attack that totally surprises the IDF. Hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians are shot, tortured, decapitated, and babies stuffed into ovens and burned to death in front of panicked parents. The extent of the depravity is incomprehensible to most people.

But it doesn’t stop there. Hezbollah, a Shiite Muslim group in Lebanon also launches missiles into Israel to kill indiscriminately any Jews it can, from the river to the sea. It is a policy of genocide - not that of Israel which is just trying to survive. For centuries Jews have been persecuted and even on their small, sliver of land, Radical Muslims want to erase them from the Earth. It is like the Holocaust is happening all over again.

Fighting goes on from Syria to Yemen, where the local Muslims, called Houthis, commit barbaric acts, and as done by ISIS, Hamas, and other Radical Jihadis, using civilians as human shields is common practice. Yet many youths and the academia in the U.S. don’t believe these incredibly inhuman acts are committed by the Muslims, or if so, then it is justified somehow.

Exclusive: U.N. report on Yemen says Houthis used human shields, Islamic State got cash | Reuters

Shiite Muslims in positions of power are highly committed to antisemitism, openly demand the death of Israel, and populate the majority in Hezbollah, Iran, and Iraq. Shiites also have large minority communities in other countries such as Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and Bahrain.

At the same time, Sunni Muslims are often in conflict with the Shiites. Sunnis have majority control in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Pakistan Qatar, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Yemen. Hamas is Sunni. Sunnis represent about 90% of all Muslims.

Sunni Versus Shiite: Countries, History, Impact (

The objective of Shiites in Iran and elsewhere is very clear, often repeated at all levels of government, and is practiced in the military, that is, “Death to Israel” and “Death to America”. Shiites also have a major problem with Sunnis and consider them to be apostates.

One can say generally that Radical Islamic Terrorists want “Death to All Infidels” (non-believers). Either convert to Islam or die. There is no compromise, no sense of civility, and dying for their cause will send them to Heaven.

Fundamental to radicalism is the doctrine that Western nations must be overtaken by Islamic rule and made into Caliphate States. Such states are really about religious leaders enforcing Islamic religious beliefs and are supported by Sharia Law. So, Islam is really a form of autocratic religious government.

(84) World Religions Ranking - Population Growth by Religion (1800-2100) - YouTube

Radical Muslims, as migrants, have invaded European countries, and in each case, generally speaking with real exceptions, they are considered societal problems – jobless people who are dependent on government assistance and yet are protesting, sometimes violently, breaking the law, preferring Sharia Law in their communities, and generally are unhappy and refuse to assimilate. Rather, they want their new countries to assimilate into them…a kind of reverse assimilation.

What is also abundantly clear is that Jihadis have no problem with butchery and have no thoughts about the Geneva Convention and the rules of war. Time and again, we see the same murders, tortures, and human shields used without hesitation. The justification is that if it advantages Islam, then it is perfectly acceptable.

Top 10 Worst Nations on Earth for Gender Equality are All Islamic – Michael A. Sherlock (Author) (

Radical Shiite tolerance of other religions is non-existent. Worse, there is NO tolerance for “LGBTQxyz” people or for women if they make the wrong mistake. Stoning is practiced often today. Throwing gay men off buildings in Afghanistan was often filmed. This is not the Middle Ages or Ancient times; today, Radical Islamic Jihadis will commit any act of violence and intimidation to enforce their way of life.

Watch Brigitte Gabriel's Warning on the Muslim Brotherhood's Plot to Destroy America! (

Now, it can be said that every religion has sin in its beginnings or past: the Crusades for Catholics, Protestants fighting Catholics, Hindus fighting Buddhists, and so many other conflicts involving religion all around the world. But for sure, Radical Islam is fighting everyone. Most religions have advanced to more civilized practices. That is not necessarily true for Islam, which has witnessed horrendous actions against humanity in the Middle East for decades.  

Given the migrant movement of Muslims, their lack of education (STEM subjects for sure), and the majority focus of time and study on religious teachings, we can understand why little innovation and economic growth has developed as fast over the centuries as in Western nations. Even today, the GDP sum total of all Arab countries in the Middle East, minus commodity Oil & Gas revenue, does not exceed the GDP of Spain. Even with Oil & Gas development, extraction, processing, and transport, it is largely done with Western skills and management.

Take away commodities, representing up to 40% of total GDP and you have a poor populace, unskilled, and ill-prepared to demonstrate self-reliance, independence, and creativity.

Economic diversification in the Gulf: Time to redouble efforts | Brookings

These are the seeds that grow unrest and violence for generations. The call for Jihad is merciless to all humanity.

Once the blessed commodity gifts are gone, the curse will create havoc around the world.

It is time for the USA to protect our borders, defend against terror, and refrain from trying to save the world.

Or is it too late?


Blog #33 Democrat Policies Are Not Killing America?


Blog #31 Where Are America’s Sheepdogs?