Blog #31 Where Are America’s Sheepdogs?

America is fast becoming a nation of victims, sheep, and of dependency on government.

This cannot continue. The signs are everywhere, and the resistance is dimly heard.

President Obama went on his “apology tour” of the Middle East. He feels that we are partly responsible for many of the World’s difficulties and dysfunction. America is at fault.

President Biden opened our borders to any and all who would come to help those disadvantaged in other countries, and so they came by the millions. We apparently owe it to the world to save all souls. Total costs are now estimated to be $450 Billion a year, or nearly half our Defense Department’s budget, and no end in sight.

While we believe in the concept of a melting pot, it is now boiling over where there is little assimilation, increased demand for government benefits, spiking crime and drug use, debilitating homelessness, and chaos across our major cities.

We have millions who escaped broken cultures around the world, yet endorse the same actions in this country that broke those countries they left. Internally, we have the same situation with broken cities and states forcing citizens to move to states supporting a meritocracy with effective law enforcement and business growth, and also with much lower taxes and without ubiquitous government intervention.

Making things worse, our education system is a failure. Mostly, it is controlled by a self-interested union. Public schools across the country are failing. Yes, say it. It is failing America. A Union rules the classroom. Woke and DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) ideologies are corroding the basic fabric of America. We are dumbing down education and requirements for students and also for teachers.

States Relax Teacher Certification Rules to Combat Shortages (

We see this with the elimination of testing, grading, and other measurements of learning progress for students. Who in their right mind considers math to be racist or a product of whiteness? Other States want to eliminate qualification testing for hiring teachers. Instead, we want to avoid distinguishing or recognizing success or achievement. The mantra is to lower the bar for everyone, which can only lead to indolence, ignorance, and failure.

Oregon governor signs bill ending reading and math proficiency requirements for graduation (

This will doom our children to mediocrity and create a nation of low performers. The road is clearly marked with demands to reduce the workweek while forcing higher wages. Meritocracy is discouraged. The work ethic becomes a joke and is disrespected. Why work, take risks, and pay taxes when the Government can take care of me? In short, it is a catastrophe for our future generations and for our competitive standing in the world.

The latest example is that the UAW has forced demands on manufacturers to pay the same much higher rate whether a brand-new employee or a 20-year veteran. No distinction is made for skills, longevity, or continuing education. This same demand has failed in other countries and companies. It saps the strength out of initiative, ambition, and morale.

The Big Three are paying a big price to end the UAW strike, but car buyers may get spared | CNN Business

Woke ideology has permeated industries, academia, government, and even the military. I am sure you know of the difficulty in meeting recruiting quotas for the military. Young men and women are reluctant to join, as many simply don’t want to fight for America. Other reasons include the fact that nearly two-thirds of potential recruits cannot qualify due to criminal records, education levels, obesity, health, and other issues.

When polling the youth of America, here is what was learned: Military recruitment is down. Why don’t young Americans want to join? (

If one has no will to fight for his or her country, what does that say for our future? Are we a nation of sheep? Where are the sheepdogs?

The military itself is indoctrinating soldiers, sailors, and others on Woke/CRT/Race issues and even spending valuable time and resources on such sensitivity training. Then we have tens of millions of dollars not being spent on combat readiness, but on transexual operations, required trans prescriptions, medical claims of women allowed in the combat arms, and the pregnancy of sailors and soldiers. This is not attractive to many potential recruits. It is also not being done in the military of our adversaries.  

Here's How Much the Pentagon Has Spent So Far to Treat Transgender Troops |

Our extreme diversity has created disparate and numerous special interest groups or tribes. The tribe can be an ethnic, racial, National Origin, or religious group, or a political activist group from abortion to climate change, or one based on gender, such as LGBTQ, and so it goes.  One might say that this is not new, but the vociferous and belligerent activity and demand for attention are at the highest levels in our history, and the numbers in each of these groups are staggering. They are self-interested and self-absorbed with no commitment to our Constitution, our laws, or interest in our history of success and the reasons that created the most wealth in human history.

When all demand satisfaction, none will be.

The boiling pot is overflowing.

No longer would a politician dare to ask their citizens “what they can do for their country”.

Instead, citizens demand what “our country can do for me?”

To retain political power, the easy, if not irresponsible, approach is to simply print money and give it away or waste it foolishly. Given our National Debt is over $34 Trillion and climbing without any concern for the consequences, the rush to the cliff dead ahead is disheartening.  As usually happens, when falling over a cliff that was ignored for years, the rush will be to tear apart the government and look for a new solution, such as a purer form of Socialism that is loaded with false promises. This, despite the facts, will likely cause desperate people to ignore the truth of past failures as they reach for an easy, false narrative that delivers relief immediately.

The train is moving faster since nearly as many receive government benefits than those who pay taxes. At some point, that mix is simply not sustainable. As the majority of the US population is solely dependent on the government, they become sheep. Quixotically, the sheep decry the sheepdog and so the vanishing breed will not be there when they are most needed.

Will we wake up before it is too late? Are we smart enough to anticipate the obvious?

Is the Democratic Party the American Socialist Party?

Is Trump the sheepdog?

We will learn on election day, 2024.


Blog #32 Radical Islamic World Domination


Blog #30 Anti-Semitism in America