Blog #33 Democrat Policies Are Not Killing America?

I have to ask the obvious questions. Have we lost our minds?

Why on Earth are we committing social suicide?

Have the left-liberal progressives taken control of the Democratic Party? Where are the moderates?

Is America’s Republic and Model of Capitalism at risk of complete failure?

What is going on? What are they thinking? How could they do this?

Where does it end?

This is not about Republicans or Democrats as much as it is about Policies that either hurt or help America.

Here are just a few of the mind-blowing changes that the radical left liberals (not necessarily Democrats) are either implementing and/or want to implement and expand. These are just the top twelve that come top of mind:

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion = Woke, which means forcing equity to make all outcomes equal rather than allow outcomes to be determined by merit. It is discrimination in reverse. This concept divides us into tribes, into self-interested groups focused on grievances, and disruptive to critically needed national progress.

  • Dumbing down of our Public Education System. Our children are failing due to failed teaching methods and focus. Our next generation is now at a competitive disadvantage caused in part by a Teachers' Union that does not prioritize our children’s interests while focusing on political actions and government cash.

  • Illegal immigrants are granted more benefits than legal immigrants and even our military veterans. Funds being spent today are well over $200 Billion annually. Legal immigration is nearly ignored with unfair illegal activity on our air, land, and sea borders. What is wrong with advancing the attitude that we should invite those who can contribute positively to our society rather than those who will be dependent on the government for a generation or more?

  • We spend billions to secure the borders of Iraq, Syria, Israel, Ukraine, and more, but our borders are wide open to the drug trade, human and sex trafficking, and a haven for criminals from other countries. 100,000 Americans die each year from fentanyl and no progress is made to stop it. Child sex trafficking has never been worse while the FBI is focused on domestic terrorism as our most important existential threat according to our government.

  • We believe we can accept the world’s impoverished people without restriction at taxpayer expense. Sanctuary cities and states have still not learned that there are limits to unbridled generosity and are bankrupting themselves as homelessness, crime, and a list of social costs spike out of control for everything from schools, police, hospitals, transportation, and housing.

  • Green Energy policies are to replace the entire oil and gas industry. Restrictions are made on everything from autos/trucks to home appliances. Billions of dollars are being spent on the notion that the US alone can reduce the world’s temperature by 1 degree in a few years. At the same time, we give up our well-earned energy independence and ask our enemies to drill more oil to make up the difference at our expense. America pays more for oil and gas while draining our SPR (Strategic Petroleum Reserve) even though there is no national emergency to justify it.

  • Religion is under attack. Antisemitism was hidden for years and has now exploded. But attacks on Christendom are not far behind. Radical Islam has perpetuated chaos around the world with the Middle East on fire. Ivy League institutions are indoctrinating our youth with anti-American ideals and creating more division, anger, and social unrest than unity.

  • Our core strength of the “Rule of Law” has never before been so challenged. A foreigner, billionaire George Soros, funds hundreds of millions of dollars to undermine our legal system by not enforcing laws with a focus on criminal empathy rather than victim concerns and accountability.  Justice is squandered. Prosecutors who are ultra-liberal refuse to hold criminals accountable with no cash bail excuses and do not recognize the seriousness of felonies. Our President selectively enforces some laws while completely ignoring others. Worse, it seems the President has his own problems with his crime family and his efforts to weaponize the DOJ and FBI, along with the IRS. This destroys trust in law enforcement and the justice system.

  • Radical leftists talk about changing our Constitution. How? By packing the Supreme Court, by re-writing the First and Second Amendments, by ignoring certain rights, and refusing to enforce laws established by Congress.

  • Our military is suffering from Woke policies by spending millions of dollars on DEI/Woke training and Gender Identity while our adversaries laugh. Imagine building green energy-driven tanks or solar-powered fighter planes anytime soon. As a result, recruiting has declined markedly.

  • Family values are ignored. Respect for the value of parents' authority in the home and in schools is diminished, even made criminal in some cases with the involvement of the FBI considering some parents to be domestic terrorists.  Money continues to be the ONLY solution. Just throw money at any problem and feel good about it. Our printing presses keep running overtime to send out trillions of dollars to just about everyone – even around the world. We cannot be the safe haven and welfare agency for the world population. We do this with our national debt surpassing $33 Trillion and interest on that debt exceeding half a Trillion a year. This is simply unsustainable and will lead to a national disaster.

This is not really about resistance to change, but radical upheaval is not acceptable. We cannot sustain radical change to our institutions, our laws, our faith in God, our military, and our economy all at the same time. This is outrageous.

This is suicidal.

We must return to basic American values of self-reliance, discipline, an honest work ethic, the rule of law, and faith in God. It remains the only formula for social success in the history of mankind. We need innovation, not equity. We need a family focus, not tribal conflict. We need the pioneering spirit and growth based on a meritocracy and a free market system.

In Capitalism we trust.

In our Constitution we trust.

In God we trust, so help us God.


Blog #34 Lies, Lies, Lies…


Blog #32 Radical Islamic World Domination