Blog #34 Lies, Lies, Lies…

The lies keep on coming faster than we can comprehend. Politicians lie and lie constantly. There is no shame. There is also the obvious point that there is no law against politicians who lie. They are free to be as productive and creative as possible to promote their agenda. This applies to all political parties, but the focus here is on the Democrats, as they have been in power these last three years.

Top 20 Lies We Were Told:

1. Trump is a Russian spy; the Dossier was credible evidence, and his telephone call to Ukraine was a crime.

2. Our borders are secure, illegal immigrants are processed appropriately, sanctuaries are good, children are being managed properly, and no recognition is made of child sex trafficking or drug smuggling of fentanyl. Without open borders, it threatens our economy and our democracy.

3. COVID-19 vaccine mandates and lockdowns are necessary; it’s okay to shut down small & medium businesses but not big box stores, lottery ticket sales, or sex dance clubs; Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are bad as treatments. It is a war of the unvaccinated; if you get your shot, you will not get the virus…or then again, if you do get the virus, it won’t be so bad. Is it a vaccine on the first, second, third shots, and then 3 booster shots - none of them prevent getting the COVID-19 virus?

4. The economy is thriving; Inflation is transitory; interests are coming down; Bidenomics is working great; Biden has created more new jobs than any President. Transportation problems are caused by racist highways, airlines' poor management, and the lack of air controllers by the FAA.

5. Jan 6 was an insurrection, not a protest that got out of control. Undercover FBI agents did not number in the dozens, and the Capitol guards did not open doors or invite protestors to enter the Capitol Building. The only person killed was a protestor; instead, three people died that day. Trump is guilty of being an insurrectionist and cannot run for election in violation of the Consitution’s 14th Amendment.

6. Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation as was supported by over 50 Intelligence officials in the Federal Government. All the pictures of Hunter, the videos, the emails, and data are false accusations.

7. Biden never met with his son’s business partners or took cash from transactions made by Hunter. He knew nothing of Hunter’s efforts to raise tens of millions from countries around the world, even as Biden traveled with Hunter on Government planes.

8. There was no election interference in the 2020 election.

9. Trump committed 91 crimes. Trump is a dictator and is a threat to Democracy.

10. Giving money to Ukraine will save democracy; it’s important to secure other country’s borders while ignoring our own, including the borders of Syria, Israel, Iraq, and Jordan. 

11. Paying off student loans is not an effort to buy votes. It’s okay to pay off the loans even as the Supreme Court ruled against doing so. It’s not true that 70% of those who now have to pay their loans back are NOT doing so.

12. EVs must replace all ICE/gas-driven autos; we must terminate all coal use; green energy is best to save the planet; we must save the planet by not eating meat; American farmers must go green even as they are less productive with providing food. 

13. Afghanistan was a successful withdrawal; we did not surrender $100 Billion worth of armaments.

14. China is our friend regardless of cyber warfare, fentanyl supplies, espionage, technology theft, buying land near military bases, trade restrictions, and creating military bases on newly created S China Sea islands.

15. Wuhan was not the Covid epicenter. The COVID-19 virus came from animals or bats and not the Research Center operated by the Chinese military to create deadly viruses.

16. Fauci did not lie. The FDA, CDC, and NIH did not mislead or lie about treatments, their role in the research of coronavirus, or the efficacy of COVID shots.

17. The DOJ, FBI, and IRS have not been weaponized against Americans for political or power purposes. 

18. Woke schools are best for our children; indoctrination with Woke policies is effective education, and gender identity is a priority for grade school children. Woke is good. Teacher’s Union Boss, Weingarten, says that school choice is a threat to Democracy. Yep, she said that.

19. Crime is increasing in the Republican States, and spikes in crime in major US cities are due to Republicans and lack of gun control.

20. Mexican Cartels are not a problem that deserves targeted attention, and crime is up only because of the Covid lockdowns. 

Those who accuse others of lying are exactly those who do the lying. They are blind to their lies.

All of the above items numbered are LIES. All lies.


Blog #35 American Grit: 6 Mistakes our Government Made in 2023


Blog #33 Democrat Policies Are Not Killing America?