Blog #36 Conflict: Rage vs Reason

In my lifetime, I have never seen a time when nearly 80% of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction.

The same consensus holds true for the economy – it is not good.

Regardless of the Democratic/Biden propaganda, everyone has a problem with “Bidenomics.”

Yet, our political elite view things differently.

Whether it is about war, the economy, religion, racism, education, culture, taxes, immigration, or law enforcement, Americans have never had such division, such a complete difference from commonly accepted principles or even common sense.

It is our culture that is in tumult.

It seems that the division recognizes mainly two sides. On one side are the rural, farmland, blue-collar workers, white males, religious leaders, and entrepreneurial small and medium-sized business leaders, all with conservative values. On the other hand, there are the urban minorities, coastal elites, white suburban females, academia, our youth, news media, atheists, and Wall Street, all with left-liberal values.

These sides are dug in deeper than ever with high emotions and loaded with justifications.

Liberal elites want to dramatically change the fabric of America from ending the oil and gas industry for the sake of controversial climate change to having a borderless nation to save the World’s impoverished and oppressed peoples.

Globalism is to be protected even with our direct or proxy involvement in wars supposedly to protect Democracy while also supporting enemy regimes in countries like Iran, Venezuela, and China.

Conservatives want to defend the long-standing values that have made America the safest, most prosperous, and free nation on the planet. Values include family unity, religious faith, fundamentals of education without Woke indoctrination,  smaller government, focus on victims of crime and not criminals, respect for the law and law enforcement, less government regulation and taxes, and protection of our Constitution and way of life.

However, Republicans generally stand on the wrong side of the abortion issue and the notion of government assistance for the underprivileged.

Liberals created the ultimate fear of existential threats of climate change to justify ending the way we grow our food and provide transportation for our people and the level of taxes needed to support the poor or oppressed. With Woke indoctrination, they created the incomprehensible belief that transexuals/LGBTQI+/DEI are social priorities, that everyone is a victim, that we should empty our prisons,  that reparations are needed, that equity (legalizing discrimination) overrules equality, and that the government can solve all social problems with money.

Furthermore, we learn that the left has a large element that is also antisemitic and is willing to defend known terrorists, including radical Islamists.

It is the opinion of this writer that the Obama/Biden Administration was the beginning of a new age of socialist thinking and Islamic acceptance.

Regarding Islam, while the religion has many principles in synch with Christian-Judeo beliefs, too many support Radical Islam which represents violence, discrimination, hatred, and a movement of Jihad with no compromise against Infidels.

The liberal backlash to the Trump/Pence Administration was historic. Liberal elites used every political and legal tactic to take down Trump. Not in the history of the country have we seen such a concerted effort to impeach, impugn, and imprison a President before, during, and after his term in office.

After years of hoaxes, failed impeachments, false and pending legal charges, and dire warnings that Trump will start WW III, end Democracy, kill thousands of people, and become a dictator if he is re-elected, we now await a ruling by the US Supreme Court to decide on his ability to be on the 2024 ballot.

As Professor Turley stated, it is “the age of rage.”

Such rage can only be ameliorated through reasonable debate, seeking common ground rather than focusing on insult, anger, and violence. It is said that those who are most disagreeable and even violent have the most fear.

There has to be at least some level of open-mindedness. To have some level of interest in learning why the other person believes their belief is valid.

To resist any reasonable discussion only defines that person as truculent, belligerent, impetuous, and irascible. However, some don’t care and simply won’t engage in communication-based, unemotional reasoning. They don’t want to articulate why they believe what they say.

We have those who grudgingly have to earn a living seeking financial security versus those who whine about their good fortune as trust babies, wealthy, or welfare beneficiaries.

The US was built on hard, dirty, and risky work while pursuing increased efficiency and using innovative ideas. Even as we have attained some level of historic economic wealth never achieved in the history of humanity, we now have a new class of people with demands that are familiar failures in history – socialist or Marxist governance.

Today, one might say…we have reached the point where we recognize “the bored, the rich and huddled masses, yearning to breathe complaint”; please send these tormented masses to protest even as they are ignorant of facts and worship false ideologies instead of God.

This country’s true genius no longer lies in its diversity. It is lost due to its extreme diversity – without unity, without common interests, without a common language, or a disciplined work ethic. DEI, or diversity, exclusion, and inclusion, is the death knell for our culture.

This country started with a Constitution, but even now, that is unsatisfactory to the left-liberal Marxists. To them, our model of governance involves a Supreme Court (must be packed?), Bill of Rights (must be re-written, eliminating some?), our Congress (must dissolve the Senate?), the Electoral College (must be terminated), our Rule of Law (reduce/drop penalties and focus on social justice?), our Military (now focused on Woke concepts?), and all be led by a Socialist Oligarch who has control supported by elitists.

One more point: the left-liberal progressives have no interest in the concept of “merit.” One of the fundamental concepts for driving spectacular American growth is the practice of meritocracy. History has proven that government hand-outs do not create efficient, let alone content, societies. Government-enabled dependency quickly dissolves the pioneering spirit, persistence, motivation, innovation, and self-respect. 

However, to understand this, one needs to study history, not destroy it, to ensure self-reliance, not dependency, and to protect freedoms, not restrict them.

Above all, we must have “Trust in God”.

I pray that God saves America from catastrophe.


Blog #37 Consequences of DEI


Blog #35 American Grit: 6 Mistakes our Government Made in 2023