Blog #17 Calling All Democrats

If it were true, would you change your mind?


If it were true that multiple Biden family members did use influence peddling of Joe Biden’s VP position to extract/extort millions of dollars from many countries around the world and distributed the payoffs to many family members for their personal use without paying taxes on it, would it change your mind?

If it were true that the infamous “Laptop” really is Hunter’s laptop that shows sexual exploits with women, some underage while on drugs and in possession of an unlicensed gun, would it change your mind?

If it were true that the election of Biden was affected by burying Hunter’s laptop, pushing multiple fake accusations against Trump, a billionaire spending hundreds of millions of dollars to buy the election in battleground states, unfairly leveraging the first-time use of mail-in ballots, and operated a campaign of lies supported by the censorship of the complicit Main Media, would you change your mind?

If it were true that we left hundreds of Americans in a rash, irresponsible, and militarily flawed emergency evacuation of Afghanistan and left $10 Billion or more of advanced weapons in the hands of the terrorist  Taliban, would you change…?

If it were true that our border is not secure due to a deliberate plan of flooding the country with millions of desperate migrants with little education, skills, health issues, no assets, speak little or no English, and are dependent on the government and done to gain votes and power, would it change your mind?

If it were true that dozens of young and old homeless US military veterans are booted from their hotel rooms to make way for illegal aliens who just crossed our border, would it …?

If it were true that the Federal Govt has to spend over $100 Billion to manage the border and the millions of migrants who need to be fed, clothed, transported, and housed around the country free of charge and without vetting, would it…?.

If it were true that government officials lied over and over about Covid treatments, lockdowns, safety, and forced restrictions to personal freedoms, and lied about the transitory inflation and falsely promoted the idea of fewer taxes, irresponsible regulations, and exaggerated the view that all humanity will die if we don’t spend trillions to lower the Earth’s temperature in 10 years, would you change your mind?

If you knew that the government would allow children, even less than 12 years of age, to change their sex organs/orientation without their parent’s knowledge or consent, as well as discourage parents from being involved in the school curriculum, would you…? What if the UN encouraged the teaching of grade school children how to masturbate, would it…?

If it were true that ultra-liberal progressive ideologies were the root cause for increased crime, including murder, burglaries, assaults, robberies, and drug use while defunding police and liberal-minded prosecutors failing to prosecute criminals, would you change…?

If it were true that instead of blaming responsible gun owners, the perpetrators of mass shootings are primarily those with mental/psychological/emotionally disturbed problems, with authorities doing little to prevent them from obtaining weapons or enforcing existing strict gun laws, would it…?

If it were true that Woke ideology focused on shaming white people with diversity training, promoted the original sin of slavery as a function of white oppressors, that misgendering people is criminal, or indoctrination in schools with teachings that stress concepts like math being racist, there are not two genders, that transgender people are experiencing genocide, and that masculinity is racist at birth, and no class grades or grading of any kind (as equity) should be allowed, would you…?

If it were true that you would have to give up your gas-powered anything from cars, trucks, and boats to kitchen stoves, lawnmowers, and dishwashers, would you…?

If it were true that you should pay a higher interest price with an excellent credit rating so that those with a poor credit rating could get a better rate, would…?

If it were true that the President’s family includes a son who is a drug addict, and dead-beat dad who had sex with his brother’s widow and niece,  a daughter who was also a drug addict and had to shower with her dad who believed she was being sexually abused, a brother who helps his son in an influence peddling and money laundering scheme,  a grandfather who refuses to acknowledge his granddaughter, would you…?

If it were true that Biden and radical progressives were guilty of conspiring to create a massive hoax to discredit a President before and after he was elected President and did so with the biased, deliberate cooperation of the DOJ, FBI, Intelligence Agencies, Members of Congress, Main Media, and the Dept of Commerce with a completely Fake Dossier, Fake Investigations, and Fake Accusations that cost tens of millions of dollars over five years to investigate (the Durham Report), would it change your mind?

Lastly, if it were true that we are fighting a proxy war costing hundreds of billions of US dollars with Russia, threatening a nuclear power, over a corrupt non-democratic country that has no national security interest but is causing famine in Africa due to the stoppage of wheat shipments from Ukraine, plus over 250,000 soldiers and civilians on all sides have died with no end in sight along with the catastrophic destruction of Eastern Ukraine, would you change your mind?

Yes, what if they were all true? All of them?

Then you have to ask yourself, why?

The intentions of radical liberals is to create a new form of government in the U.S. – a neo-socialist movement by progressives to form an autocracy with one political party that wants to reject the US Constitution (1st and 2nd Amendments for sure, plus reshape/pack the Supreme Court, and terminate the Senate), revise our current laws, severely restrict our system of free enterprise and capitalism, and completely reconfigure our institutions with a compliant populace with their reliance on big government for everything.

They would end self-reliance and our meritocracy. They trivialize the idea that people should be free to express their ambitions, creativity, and desire to build wealth and decide on their level of happiness without government intervention.

Last question: is this what you want?


Blog#18 Why Few Black Green Berets?


Blog #16 Why Democrats Overrule Reason: Three Reasons