Blog #16 Why Democrats Overrule Reason: Three Reasons


I hear people all the time who are worried about what they see happening in our country.

Regardless of all the problems we can see quite clearly, nearly half the country still supports Biden.

The problems stretch your imagination to avoid the obvious, that you are being asked to reject your “lying eyes”.

Would open borders and a flood of non-English speaking, uneducated, and low-skilled migrants across the country by the millions who need government assistance for a generation be a problem? No.

How about an economy that due to government spending has caused the highest inflation rate in decades? This has reduced the buying power of all Americans and reduced their standard of living. No.

Well, let’s consider these revelations: the Biden family corruption with the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, lying under oath, using an Ex-CIA Director, Mike Morel, to get 51 signatures from intelligence officials on a letter that would be published in the NYTimes and other newspapers and on TV, yet everyone knew it was false about Hunter’s laptop being Russia disinformation. (But remember other high-level officials lied to Congress and nothing ever happened.) Biden used the letter in his TV debate with Trump.

Or there is the fact that the Attorney General of the US, Merrick Garland, may be guilty of obstruction of justice by the FBI delaying/interfering with an investigation of the Hunter Biden scandals which have gone on for five incredible years – highly unusual and being buried in bureaucracy. The delay is as long as the original Russia Collusion Hoax against Trump.

Then there are the obvious acts of influence peddling with other countries and especially Burisma in Ukraine and payoffs in the tens of millions of dollars. But no, that’s not enough to dissuade Democrats from supporting Biden. Why?

Well, maybe we need more incredible actions to be convincing like the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the worst debacle in US military history. Or abandoning $80+ Billion of military weaponry along with dozens of Americans to, of all people, the Taliban?


What about the FBI investigating parents at the urging of the Teacher’s Union? No.

Being Woke with a new ideology that scares people with attacks from Cancel Culture, those who want to re-write history, or by ANTIFA, BLM, or a myriad of disgruntled tribes from LGBTQN+2, CRT devotees, and new age socialists.

The forced termination of the oil & gas industry over a relatively short time and the requirements for EV’s? Heck, no, Climate Change is a religion and the basis for radical worldwide change due to the exaggerated belief humanity is on the precipice of death.

Hmmm, how about the concerns about an 80-year-old bureaucrat as President until he is 86 even with clear signs of early dementia or senility, and viewed by many as disconnected and weak? No.

OK, no one issue above is enough, how about a group of problems like:

              Teaching gender identity for grade school kids as young as 6 years old and transexual education and treatments without parental knowledge? Or having drag queens perform sex acts in elementary schools.

              A proxy war in Ukraine that is costing hundreds of billions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of lost lives, and could escalate easily into a nuclear war? Even more, we are spending billions to pay for Ukraine citizens' pensions.

              Not enforcing laws and allowing left-liberal progressives to avoid prosecution or mitigate the penalties for felony crimes while defunding the police and replacing them with social workers? Left-liberals believe that racism is everywhere with no hope. Yet, that flies in the face of massive progress since the death of over 550,000 Americans to erase humanity’s long history of slavery.

              All the lies and restrictions allowed under the guise of eradicating Covid-19 including the absurd notions that the epicenter of Covid was not in the Wuhan Labs, or 6-foot social distances was effective, or that disinfecting surfaces was necessary, or that the Vaccines would prevent getting Covid or change that, vaccines would lessen the effects of Covid, and it was not transmittable if you were vaccinated which was false, and the war on the unvaccinated began.   

              Or that “transitory inflation” was a lie as the inflation has spiked almost from the day Biden took over and while he says the inflation is continually being reduced (even as he caused it in the first place), today (April 2023) we have a 200+% increase in inflation from the day he took office.

              Biden didn’t cause inflation even as he spent TRILLIONS with little to show for it. Social programs that amounted to mostly wasteful nonsense. Even now, he wants to spend another Trillion dollars on new projects.

NO! None of this affects the commitment of Democrats to support Biden. It doesn’t matter that it seems they have lost their minds and have no common sense. But it does make sense.


It comes down to three reasons as I see it.

1.       Abortion: This incredibly complex and emotional issue is very divisive and forces people into two camps. The youth are mobilizing to support having abortions under any and all circumstances and are labeled Pro-Choice. Others want to restrict any and all abortions and are labeled as Pro-Life. There seems to be little room for compromise such as allowing abortions only up to the 21st week, after which it is strictly forbidden except in extreme cases of child or mother life threats.

2.       Guns: Another emotional issue where the left liberals disregard the Second Amendment that the Republicans will protect. Most murders happen with illegal handguns. The media and anti-gun people ignore the fact that it's handguns – not assault rifles that cause the most death or that taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Unfortunately, liberal lawmakers in the major cities of the US don’t enforce the gun laws already on the books, and with the spiking murder of blacks by blacks, with typically a black Chief of Police, a Black Mayor, and a Black District Attorney. The slaughter will continue in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington DC, St Louis, Detroit, New Orleans, NYC, and Sacramento.

3.       Government Dependency: We have taught millions that they don’t have to work. They rely on a multitude of social welfare programs from money, food stamps, housing, clothing, childcare, and more. We have enabled generations to be happy as takers rather than givers in our society. The work ethic is crippled. The American dream is scoffed at. As we all know, about half the country pays no income tax while those who do see increased taxation and regulation at all levels. There is virtually nothing we can do – nothing – that does not involve the local, state, or federal government.

For Democrats, these three reasons justify all the criminality, craziness, lies, and foolery of the Biden Administration which seems to be staffed by incompetent malcontents.

America must reconcile these three issues to gain unity, a return to economic and individual growth and wealth creation, a focus on family and faith, and a moral code that is acceptable on a mass scale. Otherwise, we have identified the cracks in our society that will eventually break us apart.

Rather than diversity, we are divided. Rather than patriots, we are tribesmen. Rather than protect freedom, we are deluded about a socialist dream world.

America was the first major country to create a level of freedom under a Constitutional Republic that has never existed in the history of humanity.

It will only survive if we work to improve it, not destroy it; to value reason, not propaganda; to support values and faith, not anarchy.  

To remember and believe we have enemies who will take it all away in a deliberate, long-term campaign or by a nuclear holocaust. History has proven it time and time again. Those who are weak, divided, and chaotic are prey for dictators and authoritarianism that terminates all the progress toward individual freedom.

Only when the masses are scared or feeling hopeless can dictators get traction with demagogue promises.

Will America survive the naïve, ignorant movement to neo-socialism by weak, privileged, and spoiled left-liberal lunatics?

How do you feel?


Blog #17 Calling All Democrats


Blog #15 I’m Tired of the NONSENSE