Blog #27 Democrat Conundrum

If you are a lifelong Democrat, you must feel an awful gurgling in your stomach.

Forget Trump; since Biden’s election, it seems all hell has broken loose. Every day illustrates worse news.

This list grows: Wuhan, Pandemic lies and mandates, Afghanistan, massive spending, inflation, war on oil & gas, illegal migrants by the millions, horrendous homelessness, Mexican Cartels & fentanyl, crime, Ukraine War, Hunter’s laptop, China, Wokeism, Whiteness is evil, CRT, Parents are terrorists, gender and transexual dysphoria, Gaza and Israel, antisemitism, racial upheaval, a politicized DoJ and FBI, and on and on.

The Democratic Party has transitioned into something unlike anything we have seen in the past. Formerly, the Party has been pro-union, pro-blue-collar workers, anti-Wall Street, anti-big business, own the Black vote, and champion of social welfare programs such as the Civil Rights Act and Obamacare.

Democrats were liberal and wanted peace, not war. They would protest the military-industrial complex and view police as friends, not foes. They implemented socialist programs without being fundamental socialists.

Well, it is a new world today. Led by the Democratic Socialist arm of the Democratic party and other left-liberal progressives, they want more socialistic government in our lives, more social programs with unlimited spending, and rely on big business and Wall Street for funding - all while levying restrictions and regulations to our free market, capitalist economy. Left-liberals are unwilling to enforce selected laws, such as those affecting our own border security, while funding border security of other countries.

When the Ukraine War broke out, the Democrats were all enthusiastic about supporting the war and even broadening the war to bring regime change in Moscow. The cost is well north of $100 Billion and counting.

No problem.

We have great printing machines that can also fund billions for giving illegals free housing, healthcare, clothing, legal services, phones, and food. 70% of all the hotel rooms in NYC are now housing illegals who are not vetted and at the expense of taxpayers.

With the butchery in Israel by Hamas, the division within the Democrats is even more obvious. Positively answering a question like, “Are you supporting Hamas?” is tantamount to saying you agree with the idea of decapitating Jewish babies.

Then again, is Hezbollah any different? Muslim Brotherhood? ISIS? Al Qaeda? Taliban? Islamic Jihad?


Biden is 81, going on 110 years of age. He looks it, acts it, epitomizes it. He seems to be slowly filling up with embalming fluid. There is no escaping the truth unless you don’t want to believe your lying eyes. At some point, we all wonder when rigor mortis will set in - for Biden and the USA.

Biden has not always been such an extreme progressive, having completely changed/reversed his beliefs in the last 30 years. The list goes on from black racism, gun control, illegal immigrants, taxes, national debt, and more. His record on foreign affairs is worse than dismal.

If there is any lesson to come out of the slaughter in the kibbutz of Southern Israel, survivors lamented the absence of police and the army sworn to protect them. It was a historic debacle, but it happened. Government failed. Fortunately, many had their own guns, and they fought back as much as possible. Even so, it was a massacre.

In the USA, we have seen a war against local and state police with disrespect and defunding law enforcement. It has been crippling to social harmony. It was one of the worst political decisions since King George III sent tea to Boston.

When the enemy or criminal comes knocking, typically, it will be all over when the police arrive. The bad guys will always have guns, the good guys must have them, or they will be easy targets for rape, torture, and murder. Only an idiot cannot see the risk of not having guns to protect the family.

In nearly all the major USA cities, the same truth applies. With local crime out of control due to left-liberal policies and the resistance to prosecuting offenders, the enemy has been gifted with a “free-fire zone.” They take what they want, even as progressive democrats think they must show support with moronic, empathetic social justice attitudes that defy common sense.

The result is that today, we have turmoil across the USA and Worldwide. Apparent to most, the political weakness of our Executive Branch enables aggressive acts by tyrants in other countries and criminals at home. Political neophytes point to the need for warfare to solve centuries-old social, ethnic, and religious problems – even as that defies the USA’s past failures to understand history, cultures, or geopolitical crosscurrents.

Whatever the case, until a national reset of our current political policies is made, the crises we see at boiling points will only continue.

We are a country in crisis, in chaos, in disunity. Biden has lost all control of it and has become a caricature of feebleness and democratic ineffectiveness.

We must return to common sense values, entrepreneurial capitalism, individual freedom, the rule of law, integrity in government, and unequivocal military strength.

Pray to God that our voters wake up and install leadership, not social activists.

Oh, please, I forgot to mention this: let’s not give the “right to vote” and access to “welfare benefits” to illegal immigrants. We have had 5 million illegals without background info/ID’s in the past 2 ½ years walk across the border and onto buses to dozens of cities around the USA at taxpayer expense. We also have another 700,000+ got-aways.

In comparison, Egypt and Jordan would never take Palestinian refugees because they are not insane. Palestinian refugees, even worse than typical Islamic Middle Eastern refugees, will NOT assimilate. Studies have shown that most of them who got to Europe still rely on government assistance, and their children are likely to be involved in crime. It is a current and future generational disaster for social harmony and growth in Europe. Worse of all, generally speaking, Palestinians are radicalized, antisemitic Muslims as judged by other Arabs and Muslims.

Now, when it comes to the uncontrolled millions migrating from 160 countries around the world across our borders with different cultures, religions, values, laws, government practices…and some potential drug dealers, murderers, rapists, and terrorists…

Are we insane?


Blog #28 It’s the Border, Stupid!


Blog #26 The Arab Curse