Blog #23 The Coming Collapse

…Not What You Think

 We are so focused on the troubles of America that we are detached from current global upheavals.

Yes, the Biden Administration has deliberately caused the migrant crises of mega proportions, spiked inflation to historic highs, enabled crime waves and chaos in our major cities in the name of social justice, increased regulations that strangle small businesses while starting a war against the oil and gas industries and promoted the false claim of climate change as our single existential threat, and other more highly disruptive, dysfunctional actions that have stopped most Americans in their tracks wondering if we are looking at the end of our Republic.

But America will survive this onslaught of extreme left-liberal progressive views that counter traditional values, common sense, decency, and civility.

Look at what is going on around the world. Socialism, dictatorships, totalitarianism, communism, and Marxism are having much greater problems.

We are all familiar with the horrific war in the Ukraine. As of this writing in September 2023, the death count for all soldiers and civilians is over 300,000. The total destruction of Eastern Ukraine is on the level of that incurred in WW II. Ukrainian food/wheat that helps keep African peoples alive is disrupted, which threatens mass starvation.

Did you know that Uzbekistan invaded the captured lands of Armenia? This is a war culminating 25 years after the last one. One never hears of it in the US.

The World is suffering over 30 major conflicts in dozens of countries where death and destruction are common.  You can track this on the website: Global Conflict Tracker l Council on Foreign Relations (

Africa alone has over a dozen countries in turmoil with rape, killings, and wounded mounting by the tens of thousands. Somalia remains a broken country with internal turmoil in many countries, from Mali to Ethiopia. Slaughtering people with machetes is not infrequent. The drivers? Greed, power, religion, crime, and ethnic/tribal rivalry are typical reasons, but in Africa, the slaughter and agony do not seem to end.

The Middle East has been a constant pot of boiling conflict. America still has troops in Syria. Iran supports the rebels in Yemen who are fighting the Saudis. The Palestinians are always at war with Israel. Lebanon and Iraq remain unstable. Sunnis fight Shiites. Muslims fight Christians.

We have the Caucasus with the Azerbaijani government and Armenian separatist forces in Nagorno-Karabakh agreeing to a Russia-brokered cease-fire in the last week, a day after Azerbaijan launched a deadly military operation to capture the disputed region.

With the Russians having major setbacks in their second invasion of Ukraine (remember Crimea?), they are reducing their presence in the hotbed areas for more conflict. A pot that may boil over is in Chechnya. This may also affect all the “stans” from Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan to Pakistan, which has a continuous conflict in the Kashmir region with India which in turn has to deal with attacks by China on its northern border.

In the East and South Asia area, we have the conflict with the South China Sea manmade islands, the potential for cataclysmic war by China to capture Taiwan, and the perpetual threat of North Korea with its nuclear capability and missile testing.

The World is not civil, not at peace, and not at all safe.

Even Europe is under huge pressure with the horrendous decision to allow massive migration from Africa into the EU. Crime and social chaos have affected all those with open EU borders. Also, the rush to destroy the coal, oil, and gas industries and focus on green energy created a massive problem in providing its citizens with heat in the cold winter and electricity in the summer.

The USA is still the bastion of the greatest growth ever witnessed by humanity by a Republic that supports private ownership of property, individual freedom, capitalism with free markets, and a Constitutional form of government that has changed the course of humanity.

China has finally captured the attention of Americans and the World after its debacle with the Coronavirus, the Silk Road initiatives, the militarized islands in the South China Sea, and its threats to economic independence by countries who are now in debt they cannot pay.  

We are learning that the current Chinese form of communism/socialism, tolerating forms of capitalism under central government control, has devolved into a dictatorship with Chairman Xi, who thinks he can personally control all aspects of China’s economy, government, policies, and its military.

However, outside of his control, their economic model is collapsing.

Yes, it is flawed and will not stand the test of time. Population growth has declined 70%, the worst in the history of record keeping anywhere. Worse, the number of unemployed youth is extreme and getting higher as companies go bankrupt. Xi ousted all his potential opponents and crippled thought leadership. The World is unprepared and is threatened with massive disruption of supply chains when it does collapse.

Xi may be ousted or face civil war. If he decides to invade Taiwan, all hell will break loose. Unfortunately, we get our pharma products from China and many other products in virtually every industry. Our onshoring efforts were started late and are not sufficient to make up the difference in our supply chains if China is crippled. People will die on both sides of the Pacific.

Russia is also on the verge of collapse. The insane invasion of Ukraine by Putin has destroyed the credibility of its military and its ability to fight an extended war. Cutoff from most of the rest of the World, incredibly he has to beg North Korea’s warmonger, Kim Jong Un, for armaments. At some point, regardless of how this war ends, Putin is finished. Worse, the negative impact will burden Russians for generations to come.

So, on balance, America will remain the most important stronghold for those seeking jobs, personal growth and development, financial stability, entrepreneurship, safety, and freedom. The USA, indeed, has much work to do and, for a time, was on a continuum of improvement. Extremes on the left and right have derailed positive efforts in favor of Woke, CRT, Racism, Supremacy, and Gender crises. For all its foolish and not-so-foolish social experiments and chaos, brutal openness, and toxic political division, America will survive and thrive.

The hope of this writer is that the USA will get control of itself and address issues of civility, the rule of law, respect for life, crime, victimhood (everyone with a grievance is a victim), race-baiting, common decency, and common sense. It must take elections seriously and examine the candidates to avoid candidates over 80 years old or are either incompetent, corrupt, or suffering illness like Joe Biden, George Santos, Bob Menendez, Diane Feinstein, John Fetterman, Kamala Harris, Mitch McConnell, AOC, Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and too many others.

At the Federal Government level, clearly, uncontrolled spending to solve every problem and create so much dependency is beyond any level of reasonableness. The government is NOT the answer to everything, nor is it more powerful than the will of the people. Surely, the people do not want high prices, empty prisons, a lack of prosecution of criminals, high taxes on everything, and government intervention in schools, bedrooms, and places of worship.

They want job opportunities, entrepreneurship, efficient and honest leadership, government credibility, and safety on our streets. They would embrace sensible values that we honor, a meritocracy to advance based on individual initiative, closed borders except for legal immigration, and for parents to retain control over their children and the education they need.

In other words, they want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Blog #24 Pleading for Mercy… Restoring Hope


Blog #22 What’s Wrong with America?