Blog #29 Predicting Next Terror Attack

Does anyone doubt that another terrorist attack will soon happen in the USA?

The question is when and how bad will it be?

We have a long trail of massive intelligence failures: Invasion by China in the Korea War, Shah of Iran’s overthrow, the Pueblo incident, Bay of Pigs invasion, JFK Assassination, Iran Hostage Crisis, Gulf of Tonkin, the Vietnam War and its collapse, Invasion of Kuwait, 9-11 Attack (PA, DC, New York), Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, War in Afghanistan, Venezuela, Libya, Somalia, Rhodesia, Invasion of Georgia & Crimea, Invasion of Ukraine, Invasion of Israel (several times) to name some off the top of my memory.

We failed miserably even after billions of taxpayer funds have been spent over decades.

In each case, the results were catastrophic - death, destruction, and generations lost.

We also have some incredible breaches in our security by the biggest traitors in recent US history: Aldrich Ames, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker, Jr., Adam Gadahn (10 of the Biggest Traitors in the History of The United States - History of Yesterday. And unknown hackers that stole over $100 Billion during the Covid giveaway.

We also have our homegrown terrorists that makeup dozens of radical, violent groups, each with their own agenda.

The CIA was supposed to be focused on International terrorism, spies, and so forth. The FBI was focused on domestic terrorism. It seems both have taken their eyes off their respective targets with new politicized aims that have put America in jeopardy. Their intelligence failures are devastating, yet there is no expected change in focus, no retribution – just more of the same.

As always, American policy is to throw money at problems - lots of money. More than most countries can dream about. Yet, the wasted effort just increases our national debt as if there is no end to the money pit.

What is distracting their attention, at least for the FBI, appears to be Wokeism, White Supremacy, CRT, Parents at PTA meetings, assaults on LGBTQ, J6 investigations and arrests, and political intrigue, including years of investigating Trump, Hunter’s laptop, and Joe Biden’s influence peddling involving a dozen countries.

The danger is building more quickly, and it will result in death and destruction in the USA.

Consider the open border policy of the Biden Administration. In less than three years, we have more than three million unvetted illegals from 160 countries crossing the border and immediately transported at taxpayer expense around the country to various cities to be housed, fed, schooled, and otherwise provided for by local authorities.

A small percentage are actually Mexicans, as nearly all come from other countries all around the globe.

In addition, more alarming is that over one million “gotaways” evaded authorities altogether and made their way in obscurity to various destinations, all without law enforcement or the FBI's knowledge. (The FBI is not tracking any of them and the DHS is only estimating the numbers conservatively.)

What percentage of those “gotaways” are really terrorists?

No one knows, but 9-11 demonstrated what less than 20 terrorists can do, let alone 100, 1,000, or 10,000.

Undoubtedly, terrorists from the Middle East and African countries with Jihad aspirations have entered the USA. We also know that Islamic Radicals have no fear of suicide acts based on misguided, distorted religious fervor.

With our intelligence resources failing or being misdirected, we are missing the real threats to our homeland.

Thinking like a terrorist with Jihad intent, what would be the most obvious acts that we could forecast?

Well, it depends on how much pain and destruction can be caused with the simplest approach. Right now, the major Islamic terror groups seem consumed by all the conflicts they support in Syria, Gaza, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, and Yemen. Without careful planning and funding over time by competent leadership, I would not expect a major incident like 9-11.

With the influx of so many illegals, we can expect growing threats from Central American gangs, the Mexican Cartels, and other criminal groups that get little attention these days. The Cartels are making billions in the drug trade and human trafficking.

But then we also have the lone wolves or wolf packs that can obtain weapons, and in a kamikaze-like attack, they can replicate what Hamas did at a music festival in Israel in almost any US State. A dozen or so armed militants can invade a public social event and within minutes create havoc with high death counts.

What targets? Islamic Jihad is all about killing Jews, but also Christians and gays, and we have learned that children and babies are no problem to a ‘slaughter at will’ attack.

Given the complete lack of control over all the millions entering our country with a level of carelessness that has never been witnessed before, I would expect a terrorist attack in the Southwest/Las Vegas, Midwest/Chicago, and even Northeast/NY in the next 6-12 months. The focus may be on the obvious: Synagogues, Churches, and Schools, but combinations that may be more valuable to blood-lust crazies would be Jewish or Catholic Schools or conferences, concerts, or parades for LGBTQ groups.

Apparently, college kids supporting Palestinians don’t realize Hamas would just as soon kill an LGBTQ person along with a Jew. They abhor gays and the like. But US college kids who are oblivious to anything other than their spoiled, idyllic lives have never seen real atrocities up close that involve gang rape, burning people alive, disembowelment, knee-capping, decapitating a family slowly in front of others, and dragging naked bodies through the streets.

Unfortunately, we have too many naive knuckleheads who have no idea what they are talking about or dealing with in the world of atrocities, genocide, religious hatred, and war. They also continue to fall victim to fake/incorrect/misleading news that fuels their anger, belligerence, and ignorance.

They will blindly follow the Pied Piper over the cliff.

No country can survive without controlling its borders.

Not even America.

This writer is an infantry combat veteran, having fought in the rice paddies and mountains west of DaNang, Vietnam.


Blog #30 Anti-Semitism in America


Blog #28 It’s the Border, Stupid!