Blog #42 The Rape of America

Not long ago, America was the home of the brave, the land of the free, where the American dream was alive, and where most high-value innovations that would change the World were invented.

America created the most wealth in the shortest time, became the most generous nation on Earth, developed businesses that would dominate markets around the World, and saved humanity from dictators in too many wars.

Then, change slowly swept over the land.

The accumulation of wealth and dramatic progress were denied by a growing number of disgruntled and disconnected people who had no commitment to the notions of self-reliance, independence, and perseverance and surely renounced the idea of a meritocracy.  

Over the past decade, we have seen the growth of left-liberal, even Marxist ideology, that is focused on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI), LGBT/Gender, CRT, BLM, and Racist politics. All this while attacking free markets, capitalism, and advancement based on merit.

Instead, the leftists are demanding income re-distribution, reparations, acceptance of the cancel culture, repudiation of America’s history as evil, and the criminal status of all white people.

Diversity would smother equality. Equity would reject fairness. Inclusion would promote discrimination.

Even today, many Americans don’t get it. They simply don’t believe that these activists are just getting media attention and that it really isn’t a threat.

Oh, but it is. The evidence is in plain sight.

One cannot ignore what is happening in all our major sanctuary cities. They promoted their virtues of free housing for all. Then came the massive invasion of illegal aliens (euphemistically called undocumented migrants) that has turned our cities into realistic shitholes, with hotels and office buildings being emptied to house illegals, with open crime spiking to historical records with total disrespect for law enforcement and homelessness of citizens at record levels.

Due to America’s commitment to expensive wars, which has squandered its wealth and increased the National Debt to unfathomable heights of over $34 Trillion, its cities and states are also drowning in debt, businesses and people leaving the Blue cities en masse, defunding police and passage of incomprehensible laws like no cash bail and misdemeanor dollar limits placed on thefts, all have created unsustainable caustic environments for government or citizens.

At the State level, the trend shows more incompetent leadership in the hands of left-liberal lunatics, forcing taxpayers to escape and raising debt levels that force ever higher taxes to be paid by their dwindling population.  Criminals have almost free rein to rape, steal, and destroy without regard for the squalor they are creating.

It is a death spiral.  And still, many don’t believe their lying eyes.

At the National level, we have a political party seeking total control as the only national political party. To do this, we know some mishandling of ballots at the voting booths has and is happening, that opposition candidates inside and outside the party are restricted from getting on the ballot if they are not tied up in court or imprisoned.

Regardless of how you feel about Trump, one must look at the precedencies being established.

As the leading politician for the opposing party, he has undergone more than eight years of persecution, defamation, and harassment on levels not seen in our history. The most obvious was the fake Russia Collusion that is still ignored by hard-core democrats who see no evil in the contrived charges that led to countless fake charges, two impeachments, investigations by 16 agencies, and continued prosecution of crimes being used to tie him up and off the campaign trail.

Critical to all this is the double standard of justice. Blacks kill more blacks than anyone, but white police officers are viewed as the problem. Illegals are viewed as poor, impoverished, innocent victims. Actual victims of crimes from rape to murder are viewed as instigators, with the criminals being the victims. Of course, anything against a “black and brown” person is considered racist at unverified face value.

The double standard of justice is clear with President Biden not being charged for an admitted crime since he is “elderly, forgetful, and with diminished faculties.” On the other hand, Trump gets no relief for the same crime.

Now, Trump has been found guilty of a crime and levied a $350 million plus interest at 9% for a victimless crime, with no damages, no one hurt, and for common business practice that has been done and accepted for decades by most all real estate developers, especially in NY City. For major developments, bank loans are sought, and valuations are typically over-stated, but the banks do their own due diligence and decide on what interest rates they will charge and on their terms. In Trump’s case, the banks got all their money on time and in full. Further, they testified they invite more business from Trump.

By any reasonable standard of justice, this is described by Professor Jonathan Turley, a Constitutional Lawyer, as an “obscene” decision.

But no matter the left-liberals bringing the charges against Trump with a long-time left-liberal judge, the fix is in, and so it goes. They want Trump hurt badly and to be removed from the campaign even as he is the leading candidate for the opposition party.

It is Democracy under attack by Biden. He ignores the Supreme Court decisions by forgiving billions in college loans. He brags about his ability to do an end run around the Supreme Court.  He ignores immigration laws and opens the border to any and all without vetting. He is conducting a proxy war against Russia and spending hundreds of billions without Congressional action to declare war. He has politicized the DOJ and FBI, and the case of Hunter Biden and his dad is an epic scandal in the history of America.

Capitalism is under attack more than ever. California is trying to get the minimum wage raised to $50/hour. Congressional reps will say that if the companies want to close their doors due to egregious and violent crime, they are criticized and should not. Why? Because it is their responsibility to stay in business to serve the community even when it makes no sense, financially or even for the safety of their employees.

Blue states like WA, OR, NY, MD, MA, and VT follow CA.

There is no concern for the need to make a profit or any understanding that without profit, there will be no employment, services, products, or business. Further, restrictions on business or product prohibitions continue and are expanding. The most obvious grievance is with the entire oil and gas industry and all that they power.

The Green Climate Change fanatics are trying to terminate the oil and gas industry, stop most types of farming, end cattle ranching, and restrict all kinds of consumer products from gas stoves and appliances to lawnmowers and steaks. It is ignored that the US has had the greatest performance in reducing carbon emissions, while countries like China, India, Indonesia, Russia, and all of Africa are ignored.

No problem; left-liberals will simply rely on the government to take care of their needs. This is the socialism part of the new ideology that will replace free market capitalism.

This results from the slow decline in America’s heritage of success, wealth, and innovation. Instead, activist people are enabled to believe they can suck from the government’s umbilical cord rather than sustain their own life and career based on merit, work, discipline, and accomplishment.

In short, it is the beginning of the end and is most likely irreversible. America is sleepwalking into disaster.

Once more people receive benefits than those who pay taxes, the doom cycle is complete. When a major part of job growth comes from government employees, one must recognize they produce nothing. All governments survive on the backs of producers – not on those who contribute nothing but are blood-sucking burdens to success.

It is the old story of the frog placed into a pot of water. It will accept and adapt to the increasing heat to a point when it is too weak to jump out of the boiling pot.

America is near the boiling point.



Blog #43 What’s Happening…My Take


Blog #41 Gulag Archipelago