Blog #43 What’s Happening…My Take

What’s Happening? My Take on America under Attack…February 2024

America has taken an ominous turn…a change in culture, focus, values, and even the Constitution of the U.S. We have lost our minds…

My Take:

·       Basic American values of self-reliance, independence, free markets, meritocracy, and family & religious focus are under massive threat. The Democratic Party will continue to bring such change and have incomprehensibly more favorable feelings about socialism over capitalism, which is responsible for creating the wealthiest nation on Earth and in all the history of humanity.

Democratic Socialism and Socialism Are Increasingly Salient Among Democrats (

·       A Special Prosecutor of the DOJ finds our President unfit for trial due to “reduced faculties” but is apparently fit for leading our Country. This is beyond outrageous. But still, the President refuses to take a competency/cognitive disability test. We all know why. It is an embarrassment that he stumbles, bumbles, whisphers, mumbles, and otherwise demonstrates an 81 year old in serious decline.

If Joe Biden is unfit to stand trial, he’s unfit to be president. It’s that simple (

Defiant White House says Biden won’t take cognitive test — despite damning Hur report and worried voters (

·       38% of Americans support Biden – how is this possible? Only those supporting Biden are the winners: free entry, transportation, money, loans & stuff. Worse, Kamala has a lower opinion than Biden yet will be on the ticket in Nov? If this happens, Trump will win by a landslide. Most likely is that Gov Newsom of California will replace Biden. Note that Newsom has managed the debacle going on in California with Woke/DEI/Race/CRT craziness that spikes crime, homelessness, defunding police, and the insane bills that make stealing less than $1,000 a misdemeanor, reparations in the billions, and taxes and prices for everything being outrageously high forcing the mass evacutation by citizens to other states.

Biden approval dips near lowest point: AP-NORC poll | AP News

U.S. Voters: Biden, Most in House Don't Deserve Another Term (

·       White police do NOT kill blacks indiscriminately, black men are responsible for more than half of ALL murders in the U.S., mostly against other blacks. The black community has been destroyed due to destructive Social Programs that destroyed initiatives by blacks and became dependent on permanent government assistance. Lessons can be learned from how the Indians on U.S.-protected reservations have fared.

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crimes? – Channel 4 News

·       Politics has deteriorated to worse than name-calling with efforts being made to remove political opposition via criminal charges, outrageous lies to defame candidates, ballot manipulation, and party restrictions.  

Democrats try to strip candidates from the ballot, in the name of democracy | The Hill

·       So many citizens who totally believed the Russian Collusion Hoax, the impeachments, the “telephone call” by Trump with Ukraine, tax evasion, emoluments restrictions, and so many more false criminal & civil charges against Trump, yet they ignore that Biden has been doing the same for years without concern.

·       Our border is NOT secure, and the President can stop the massive invasion of illegal migrants, regardless of his claims that only Congress can stop it with new policies. In fact, Biden has deliberately wanted this invasion for apparent reasons. Note the attraction is magnetic with free subsistence: healthcare, phones, clothing, housing, food, debit cards, and even legal assistance. This type of incentive is ignoring the needs of American citizens. NYC is giving debit cards with $10,000 to each illegal migrant and justifying it by saying they will be spending it in NYC.

New York City will allow 800,000 noncitizens to vote in local elections : NPR

·       A Chinese immigrant and non-U.S. citizen was appointed to be the supervisor of elections in San Francisco. Even so, she speaks no English. First non-citizen appointed to Election Commission in Calif. city (

·       Antisemitism is alive and well and supported by major academic institutions led by pathetic Harvard U., which still has done nothing to address the injustices. The left wing of the Democratic party is unashamedly in support of antisemitism.

Alumni file lawsuit against Harvard alleging reputational damage due to ‘unrestrained’ antisemitism on campus (

·       America is not racist but is part of a relentless radical, extreme effort to promote it anyway to create fear, division, and chaos.

Bidenomics is a joke. Few Americans believe they are better off under him than under Trump. Inflation has taken prices to a new level. A simple decline in the inflation rate does not correct the incessant and outrageous climb in prices over the past 3 years. People see it in the grocery store and in lower pay checks. Biden’s war on the oil & gas industry is insane. Price of gas is high and the energy independence is being squandered with efforts to buy Venezuelan oil, and from other Middle East countries.

America is becoming less racist but more divided by racism (

·       WOKE narrative is racist. CRT is racist. Social justice is racist.

·       DEI and Woke actions are hurting businesses, government, defense, medical, and other industries that hire people based on the color of their skin instead of on merit.

Companies like Zoom and Snap are cutting DEI jobs - The Washington Post

·       Left liberal progressives believe in making changes to the Constitution, our major institutions, and laws, despite their excuses, to bring democratic socialism with Marxist beliefs into reality for America. Biden flaunts the rejection of the Supreme Court and their ruling by illegally forgiving student loans.

Democrats want Constitution 'completely rewritten' - Washington Times

Democrats Attack 3 Of The 10 Amendments In The Bill Of Rights | Investor's Business Daily (

·       Ukraine will win the war with Russia when European countries/NATO steps up to fund and supply Ukraine. Sweden’s entry into NATO is a huge step that strengthens it and another reason why NATO countries need to respect its promise to pay its dues.

(38) Why Sweden's bid to join NATO is historic (

Sweden makes fresh Ukraine military aid pledge as NATO membership nears – POLITICO

·       China is ruled by a dictator worst than Stalin. Its economy will collapse in the next 6-10 years. Globalism is in retreat. Countries have been burned by China and many now see the danger of being dominated by Xi.

China’s economy had a miserable year. 2024 might be even worse | CNN Business

China's Economy Is Imploding. That's a Problem for US, Wall Street. (

·       Crime is worse than ever. FBI data shows that it rose nearly 30% from 2019 to 2020  —  the largest single-year increase ever recorded in the U.S. Black crime is out of control.

Is crime rising in the U.S.? Here's what data can and can't tell us: NPR

·       America has created many of the most life and business-changing inventions, from the manufacture of cars and planes to television to cell phones and the Internet. As big as any invention is the current American innovation involving AI or Artificial Intelligence. Generative AI will introduce another level of massive change that will affect all humans in the world.

Tech Trends 2024 | Info-Tech Research Group (

Our Federal Government is carelessly printing money without concern for the massive debt exceeding $34 TRILLION. This is done to support the massive spending, ignoring “transitory inflation” by the Biden Administration on everything from inflation reduction (a false effort) focused on climate change madness, buying votes by forgiving billions in college loans, social justice programs, COVID-19 relief with billions unaccounted for, and subject to theft, a war in Ukraine draining billions, along with the open border allowing over seven million illegals to enter the U.S. that will cost billions this year, cripple big city budgets, and with debt to keep getting deeper for the next decade or more. Does anyone - Democrat or Republican - care about our incomprehensible national debt and the consequences of it?? Biden’s Budget: A Future That’s Built on Government Dependence | The U.S. House Committee on the Budget - House Budget Committee

 AND…the greatest lie in years…better than the Russian Collusion hoax - or COVID Vaccines will be vaccines that prevent getting COVID - or that COVID-19 did not start in a lab in China - or Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation - or that Biden had no involvement in the Family Business of selling influence, - is the unbelievable bald-faced lie that none of the action taken by Biden and the Democrat-controlled Congress will mean higher taxes for YOU!


Blog #44 Biden’s “Truth or Consequences”


Blog #42 The Rape of America