Blog #48 Biden’s Debate Debacle

Finally, the Democrats could no longer disguise, hide, or avoid Joe Biden's obvious condition. The conspiracy of silence was broken with Biden on the debate stage.

Our President has no clothes.

Beyond the infamous “basement strategy” for the 2020 election, the lack of press conferences, and the avoidance of situations where Biden must give a reasoned, extemporaneous response, America finally learned the truth.

Joe Biden is a senile, old gentleman lacking sufficient faculties for not being able to face a jury but also for not being able to run the country. He was a halting, confused, stuttering shell of a man. He looked like death warmed over. It didn’t give confidence that he could walk, talk, or tie his shoes without a nurse’s aid - Jill.

It is a sad climax to years of deception and avoidance. It was “no joke”, as Biden would say, that was pulled on America.

But is it only Joe’s fault? Not really.

Sure, Joe cannot give up the Presidency—his aspiration for over 40 years in political office—but neither can his wife.

Joining the campaign to keep a demented, deteriorating 82-year-old man in office to satisfy the sole purpose of keeping Trump from getting into that office involves much more than personal intentions. The hatred that fills Biden runs deep and is tantamount to a blood feud against Trump. Surrender or resignation is not possible. His wife also cannot give up the power and glory of being in the White House.

The debate was revealing for many reasons.

Listening to the liberal media commentators from MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC, and CBS (the Main Media) over the past years, they all supported the big hoax that Biden was fit for office. They were “blindly” supportive. He was promoted as being sharp as a tack, that he could do backflips in the office and would run circles around staff while doing trigonometry.

Yes, it was all just another hoax as big as the Russian Collusion hoax, the Trump Dossier, the Trump telephone call with Ukraine, Trump’s tax evasion, the Afghanistan withdrawal was an outstanding success, the Nick Sandman college kid vs the Indian hoax, the Southern “Border is secure” hoax, and a constant stream of lies from the Main Media to support the Democratic Party policies of insanity, including immigration, Woke/DEI/Gender Identity/Racism/Social Justice ideology.

The lies keep coming from both sides.

Does Trump lie?

Yes, of course! His hyperbole is directionally correct much of the time, if not finitely correct.  An example is that he says his “crowds are the biggest in political history”. He has had enormous crowds, but not the largest in history. Or everyone supported removing Roe v Wade from Federal control. It is not true, but most Republicans and some Democrats do agree, but not everyone. Yes, Trump lied about Biden precipitously leaving $85 Billion of weapons behind in Afghanistan. The fact is that it was only a mere $10 Billion, even as there was no accurate accounting. Millions of dollars of such equipment was lost with no accounting, but it is agreed over $500 Million worth of rifles and machine guns were left behind with over a hundred armored vehicles and over 70 aircraft.

Biden’s lies and those of the Media are more dangerous. It is not about lies like his uncle was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea or his son died during the Iraq war.

The problem with Biden’s lies as President is that they destroy our government’s credibility.

Consider these lies by Biden…

  • Biden knows nothing of Hunter’s business dealings even as he traveled on Air Force One to many countries, including China, Ukraine, and others. Of course, they were not involved in influence peddling, money laundering, extortion, Hunter’s drug use, and his sexcapades.

  • Biden said he never spoke to Hunter or his business associates and never received a penny from their businesses and never received any money or expensive gifts from China. Nor did they avoid payment of taxes or reporting income from various countries.

  • Biden said 51 former intelligence officials said the laptop was Russian disinformation. It was all a hoax.

  • Biden said the withdrawal was a wonderful success in getting 100,000 people out of Afghanistan, and not one American soldier was killed. More, his generals agreed with the decision to get out.

  • Biden committed to bringing the country together and to avoid division, yet views MAGA folks, nearly half the country, as un-American and major social and political problems, some even criminals.

  • January 6 was about an insurrection, not a protest that got out of control. January 6 was worse than the summer riots following George Floyd when damage was over $2 Billion across the US major cities and two dozen people were killed. (Note the decision by SCOTUS on June 28, 2024.)

  • Hunter’s laptop has been lied about by so many: the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, other Intelligence Agencies, the Main Media, celebrities, academia, and Biden himself. It was proven to be real during Hunter’s trial when he was convicted by the FBI who knew it was real for several years and did nothing about it.

  • Woke/DEI/Social Justice is a valuable ideology that will bring fairness to make America stronger with diversity and selective discrimination.

  • Illegal Aliens are good for America, and it is a righteous/virtuous act to do for those fleeing other countries – even from over 100 countries. (What is considered “enough”? 15 million a year? 100 million?)

  • There is no intention to allow 25 million illegals into America in Biden’s four-year term for the purpose of getting their votes.

  • All illegals are processed before allowing them into the country. DHS knows where they are to ensure they meet their assiged court dates.

  • Biden rejects decisions by Federal judges and the SCOTUS regarding the forgiveness of billions of dollars in college loans. He is doing it to help those who are in need, and not to buy the votes of young people.

  • White Supremacy is the greatest domestic threat to the United States, and the greatest “existential” threat to the world and the US is climate change. We only have 5, or 8, or 10 or X number of years left before we all die (the number of years keeps changing at time passes).

  • Don’t worry, Biden says crime is declining. Inflations is transitory. He reduced the National Debt by $1.7 Trillion in his first two years in office. Bidenomics is working. Wages are growing. Green policies are going to save America.

After the debate debacle when Biden proved to be mentally and physically unfit to remain President for four more years, this creates serious problems:

  1. With all the past lies, what can we believe from the Main Media, our Government, and from Biden?

  2. We have seven months until the apparent likelihood that Trump will win. Therefore, will our enemies have this window of time to take advantage of a doddering, demented fool who is not in charge?

  3. How many more decisions will Biden or his handlers make that are against the Constitution, against SCOTUS, and all being a desperate attempt to win votes?

  4. Will Biden’s declining popularity force Trump haters to compromise election integrity?

  5. Given the obvious conclusion that Biden cannot remain in office even if elected again, how vulnerable will the US be to Kamala Harris's level of competence? Is a vote for Biden, really a vote for Kamala as President?

  6. Will the hatred stirred by the radical democrats, leftists, and progressive Marxists bring us to more riots, crime, and social chaos for the remainder of 2024?

All of this means that politicians lie and lie often. The credibility of politicians is not much different than the terrible status of integrity in the media, academia, and bureaucrats in government.

To be clear, this period before and after the election is not going to be easy. The repercussions and results will define us for years to come.


Blog #49 Revelations from America’s Greatest Hoax


Blog#47 Reality of Life: Values, Sin, and Hate