Blog#47 Reality of Life: Values, Sin, and Hate

The Reality of Life: Values, Sin and Hate

As a Catholic, I attended Mass and listened to our Pastor at St Lucy Church. I was struck by “one simple word” he admitted was pervasive across our country.

I sat there and recognized my own dismay. I agreed, but I knew his “word” extended far beyond his immediate focus.

In his homily, he said that Catholic values are “hated” by many and respect for Jesus Christ is under attack.  “Sadly, this world, and so many people, have lost their concept of sin in their lives.”

Whether you believe in God, Jesus Christ, or any religion, you must have a set of values that are important to you and that guide how you live your life. Without values, nothing is respected, nothing is valued, and there is no honor, as there is no right or wrong, only what is perceived to be a self-interest benefit.

What do we see today? I realize I am simplifying and generalizing, but Christians are under attack. Jews are suffering from persecution in the United States as if the Holocaust never happened. Hindus fight Muslims. Atheists gain numbers to fight religious believers and supersede their rights, and their actions are justified on personal beliefs, however self-centered, uninformed, misguided, or ignorant they may be. Islamists seem to fight all the other religions and even call all non-believers infidels. Any conflict is justified if it benefits Islam.

When there is unmitigated hate, driven by ignorance, justification is easy to define. There are no limits.

Russians kill other Ukrainians who have close relatives who are Russian.  Hamas sacrifices Palestinians, who also kill Jews/Israelis, who, in turn, kill Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinians. Iranian Shiite Muslims kill Sunni Muslims. Over decades, this history of conflict and death has been unknown or ignored by most who inherit the need to hate. And for the most part, these are religious people on all sides who preach religious ideals that are left at the door of their house of worship.

Yes, hate is pervasive and growing in intensity every day. As bad, the concept of forgiveness is forgotten.

The value of human life is lost. In the last three years, we have seen three new wars begin. Over 400,000 lives have been lost in wars fought in Ukraine, Russia, Gaza, Israel, and Yemen with the Houthis, who also want to kill Jews.

Hate, enabled, promoted, and cheered by leaders continues the cycle of death. Have we become so numb to fighting and military force that death is acceptable?

In the United States, the level of impatience, intolerance, and intensity of hatred grows. It is worsened by the growth of internal tribes: Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, LGBTQ, White Supremacists, and other tribes representing people from a myriad of countries, their cultures, and different religions. It seems diversity, once viewed as a strength, now is the causation of division, inequality, discrimination, and disrespect for traditional values that kept the USA strong and maintained order and discipline as a society.  

Our social fabric is being torn apart by the diversity of values. A nation cannot be unified, and hatred banished when we don’t speak the same language, we accept illegal immigrants in place of legal immigrants, we don’t respect or enforce the rule of law, and we increase government dominance in every aspect of our lives.

We see it with the experiment of progressive policies when criminals are treated as victims and released to commit crimes over and over. With a Congress that is fractured and disagreeable. Compromise is not a consideration.

We see it in politics, which has become so polarized that protests are driven by hate, not by considered policy. The primary reason for political hatred is the greed for power. Yes, as simple and stupid as it sounds, hate is driven by power and money. Hence, the level of political corruption across all parties and all states.

Such political hatred is disguised by calling each side power-seeking enemies of the democratic state. And so the constituents fall into line and funnel the hatred to win at all costs.

Once we have a breakdown of basic values as those preached by religion, then the era of civil society breaks down.

During the Catholic Mass, there is an act to express love and respect for one another by shaking hands, waving, bowing, and whatever to others around you in the pews.

Hate eats at the soul. No one can be happy when they are filled with hate, revenge, and ill feelings, no matter the reason. It seems so many people, especially as they get older, are filled with bitterness and intolerance. It is a no-win attitude. Incredibly, many don’t even recognize their level of animosity, disdain, and intolerance, with no room for disagreement or compromise.

We must first recognize the hate within us before we can thoughtfully examine our consciences for reconciliation. To forgive oneself is the start before forgiveness can be made for others.

In this way, we can love ourselves which is important before we can love others. Regrets are painful, but forgiveness and love can conquer all.

Yes, life is not easy. Love is valuable and must be protected. Hate is like a poison that kills the spirit and guarantees an unhappy life.

Adversity is difficult but powerful. It can destroy the spirit or strengthen the soul, the will, and the skills to advance down life’s path. It’s about advancement in life based on merit, not by gift. For those very few who have never experienced adversity, they are vulnerable to weak values, poor discipline, and low initiative. It also ignites fuel for conflict that only leads to misery.

What do we mean by values?

The basic Ten Commandments are truly important. Values are defined in many ways, from the US Constitution to the Boy Scouts (trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent). For the military, it was duty, honor, and country. For family, it was love, honor, and protection.

Your place of worship is all about values.

Most important too, is the concern for committing sin. As the Pastor warns, many lost the concept of sin in their lives. If we don’t recognize sin, we are lost souls.

If we do not pray to God, we are lost souls looking for meaning in deeds rather than examining one’s conscience for truth and love in spite of adversity. It is always time to seek goodness and service and show love, especially in times of adversity.

In the end, a life well lived is one that involves efforts to avoid sin, show love, seek truth, value friendships, and accept challenges and calculated risks.

Death is final but is never really appreciated until it happens close.

Then, it is time for final prayers.


I now share this short story that is so relevant:

The judge asked the killer of former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat - "Why did you kill President Sadat?"

The murderer replied- "Because he was secular."

The judge immediately asked the next question – "What does secular mean?"

The killer said, "I don't know."

The man who tried to stab the deceased Egyptian writer Naguib Mahfouz was asked by the judge: "Why did you stab Mr. Naguib?"

The terrorist replied, "Because he has written the anti-religious novel 'Children of Gebalawi'."

The judge showed interest: "Have you read the novel?"

The criminal replied- "No."

The judge asked the murderer of Egyptian writer Farag Fouda - "Why did you kill Farag Fouda?"

The murderer replied- "Because he had no faith."

The judge was curious to know, "How did you know that he had no integrity?"

The terrorist's reply was - "Everything becomes clear by reading his books."

The judge's curiosity increased further - "In which book of his did you find the proof of his dishonesty?"

The killer admitted, "I don't know the name of the book. I haven't read it all."

The judge was surprised: "Why didn't you read it?"

The murderer said, "I don't know how to read and write."

Hatred never spreads through knowledge. Hatred spreads through ignorance. This is how society pays the price of ignorance, the price of keeping people ignorant.

From 'Real African Books'.




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