Blog#46 Democrats Have Lost America

Why? Six Categories: This article is why you must not vote Democrat in the upcoming election in November.

The Old Democrat Party is gone. In its place are those more aptly called “left-liberal progressive lunatics (leftists for short). It is the party that has lost common sense and implements solutions that are just the opposite of anything that is appropriate, sensible, or even lawful.

Let’s review the basic reasons that support the above notion.


The leftists have thrown out reasonable protocols and values to live a respectable life in pursuit of happiness. In place, they have turned away from common decency, individual resilience, persistence, achievement, and independence. Instead, we are being force-fed notions like the debilitating DEI, BLM, CRT, Gender Identify (GI) and Woke alphabet soup that is poison.

They reject religion and the Christian-Judeo code of conduct, law, and life.  The lack of respect and personal achievement, a.k.a. performance by merit, is appalling and manifests itself with a lack of commitment to work to achieve success by excellence instead of relying on the perceived status of social victimhood.  Leftists reject a meritocracy.

Another expression of hate is the attitude towards families, children, and childcare. We are suffering a continual decline in the birthrate and families are stressed. Jobs are tough with declining wage rates and increasing childcare costs are draining the family funds to safeguard their standard of living and support for their children.

In the end, the paramount value of the leftists is hate. Pure hate for everything – our history, success, flag, anthem, monuments, and our government. Biden and his team promote lies – any lies – to avoid the truth. Virtue signaling is preferred over practicing virtues, the golden rule is rejected in favor of insulting outrage in the days of rage and hate.

Lastly, leftists have no respect for what this country did in the history of humanity that made it the most diverse, successful, innovative, generous, and productive country on Earth.

Rule of Law

We have seen the lack of respect for the rule of law play out in a number of ways. The immigration mess at the border. None of the Federal laws are being followed. Instead, illegals are processed (even without ID, Passport, or background info) and put on buses or planes to be transported all over the U.S., not just sanctuary cities, mostly without advance notice.  

Remember the George Floyd disaster? He was a criminal with a long rap sheet, a drug addict, and was assaulting his pregnant girlfriend with a knife. The leftists erected a monument in his honor while tearing down monuments across the USA of notable subjects in our history. This occurred with BLM/ANTIFA riots, causing over a billion dollars in damage and two dozen people murdered. During and immediately after months of destruction, no one was arrested.

Then, Biden rejected the SCOTUS ruling against his plan. Instead, he went ahead and gave away hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to forgive college loans. The Constitution be damned, Biden demands freedom to act at will. If he could, and leftist Democrats agree, he would pack the court with up to 15 Justices, re-write portions of the Constitution, restrict free speech, and increase the power of the Executive Branch.

This administration works hard to find “work arounds’ to the law. But the lack of respect for the law extends to bogus investigations of Catholic priests, of white supremacy in the military, of political protesters who are considered insurrectionists while other extreme leftists go without concern as they violate numerous laws in their protests against Israel, Jews, the Federal Government and more.

The action getting the most attention these days is Trump's bogus trial for how payment was recorded as a business expense that occurred over ten years ago and was originally turned down by the DOJ as not being unlawful. No matter, we have a charade in NYC with a political set of leftists pursuing vigorously “lawfare” to put Trump in jail for decades. This is more of an obvious intent to obstruct the election and remove Biden’s popular opposition candidate. For sure, this effort by the Democrats only solidified the belief that Biden’s DOJ has created a “dual standard of justice” with the Democrat’s thumb on the scale of justice. This is aggravated by the Hunter Biden scandal, cocaine in the White House, influence peddling, tax evasion, and other crimes committed by the Biden family. Even the black community can relate to this kind of unfair prosecution.

The Economy

When Biden took office, the inflation rate was little more than 2%. As any high school student knows, the massive flooding of unneeded cash into an economy that was already doing well in recovering from the Pandemic would spike inflation to over 9%. Too much money and too much demand on limited supply mean high prices.

Almost every major economic statistic is showing negative results and a worse future. This is almost guaranteed with Biden’s plans to spend $5 Trillion more; the National Debt be damned. Too many billions are lost in the process. Literally lost.

As for econometrics, inflation rates, interest rates, employment/jobs, producer price index (PPI), business loans, regulations, consumer prices (CPI), loan defaults, housing starts, national debt, money supply, and more, all show a dark horizon moving closer every day.

An insane bill passed by the Democrats, the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, was actually a disguised program to spend hundreds of billions on a climate change bill to fight the fossil fuel industry, provide grants to preferred technologies, including EVs, solar and wind farms, and a variety of other green programs. It had NOTHING to do with reducing inflation and actually served to increase inflation.

So with classic mismanagement of the economy according to reasonable capitalist/economic rules, instead, Biden’s team forges ahead with massive spending, extreme climate change initiatives, and government grants for everything from EVs and student loans to social programs supporting anyone who does not want to work. Inflation is here to stay. Yes, it has been cut substantially to 3-4%, but it will not go away, and as stated clearly by the Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase Bank, Jamie Dimon, he warned the debt is unsustainable and will increase for years to come.

The greatest threat to our economy will be self-inflicted with ever-increasing taxes. There is now virtually nothing you can do in this country without the government having some kind of involvement with a tax, fee, or form to satisfy. Biden wants to take it to a whole new level with a wealth tax, increased corporate and capital gains taxes, and audits. Pressure is building for more guaranteed universal incomes for those who don’t work and are funded by taxpayers. Worse, if Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren get their way, the capital gains made on stocks in a given year, even if not realized (the stock was not sold) the gain will be taxed. This will cripple Wall Street and business as a source of funding, besides robbing Americans of their investments for wealth creation.

Lastly, don’t forget the Democrats promoted a serious hoax on America for four years: the Russian Collusion/Trump Dossier disgusting disaster. When the Pandemic dropped on us, they shuttered small and medium businesses and kept open the big box stores, liquor stores, sales of lottery tickets, and adult sex places. The economy was shut down unnecessarily for months when you could not shop, travel, use the beach, go to school, or eat at a restaurant. The precipitous decline in our economy was disastrous.

National Security

While the country has accepted 7 million illegals in Biden’s first term, they join 15+ million already here. That has to raise national security concerns as expressed by the FBI. Even worse, as of May 2024, typically kept secret, we learned that we had over 1.6 Million so-called “gotaways” or those who crossed the border and bypassed our Border Patrol. We have no idea who they are and where they have gone. It is a security nightmare of national proportions.

However, on the international front, the situation is not any better. Our Woke military spends millions on Woke/DEI training and transsexual operations and less on training and maintenance, while China is committed to major military training and weapons development. Our military is shrinking dramatically and can no longer provide global security for trade routes to support the globalist trade security strategy. Our Navy is down to about 300 battleforce ships (the lowest in decades), and our Army has shrunk to less than 340,000 active-duty personnel and can barely meet recruiting goals.

Fortunately, Trump established the Space Force, which was treated as a joke on late-night TV but now is viewed as another critical military force for our security, especially in the race against China.

Remember, Biden’s leadership forced a massive evacuation and surrender of Afghanistan in a few days with our military stressed to the max to get Americans and Afghan friends and family out of the country under the pressing attack of the Taliban. Hundreds died and 20 Marines died at the airport during absolute chaos. It was the worst military defeat/retreat in US history.

Lastly, we are now embroiled in two major wars. There is an argument that says Biden could have avoided it and sought negotiated settlements. But war goes on and combined, we have over 400,000 dead with no end in sight. Mismanagement of the wars and our role has thrust the US into major protest demonstrations across nearly one hundred college campuses. The social upheaval continues.


Biden forced most states to close their schools for over a year, which has negatively affected a generation of youth. It was unnecessary, but the lies and misinformation from the CDC, NIH, and FDA overwhelmed common sense and experts with opposing research.

With the corrupt Teacher’s Union, massive amounts of Federal money (hundreds of billions) were supposed to be spent on teachers and schools for the benefit of the children. It did not happen. Much of it disappeared with no identifiable results. Worse, grade averages continued to decline even after the Pandemic was over. In many big blue cities, few high school graduates are proficient in reading, writing, and math. It is a national disgrace. The worst performances are in minority schools.

Contributing to the decline in grades and student performance is the lowering of standards due to Woke attitudes which cripples the education of gifted students. Along with this is the level of conflict over racism, gender identity, and the concept of equity vs. equality. Combining all this with funds wasted on non-educational expenses ensures that the return on investments in education declines.

In comparison, Catholic and private charter schools did well during the Pandemic and continue to improve with very good results. What is the Democrats' response? They are working hard to drive them out of business. They want to lower the standards for achievement in schools to dumb down education and give passing grades even as they have students failing. California is the basket case for failure: 75% of boys cannot meet reading standards. (Data Exclusive: 75 percent of black California boys don't meet state reading standards (


We must have a free press. We cannot allow restrictions on free speech. Still, we have all heard about fake news, but even much of the main media will admit they are biased. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and even PBS admit to being left of center in their reporting on some level, with CNN and MSNBC/NBC being solidly leftist in their reporting and commentary. Most have moved to opinion commentary programs rather than spending money on news/journalistic reporting. At times, reporters are caught in outrageous acts of bias but change is resisted. Then we have scandals on NBC, Fox, and CNN that destroy credibility. Compounding all this is the use of Social Media that is replacing the Main Media with readership. Again, seeking truth is not easy.

This reinforces the notion that the media cannot be trusted. Americans must, therefore, challenge themselves to identify the truth and react appropriately to events.


Blog#47 Reality of Life: Values, Sin, and Hate


Blog#45 When Will I Die?