Blog #49 Revelations from America’s Greatest Hoax

Americans have been the target of lies for years.

But now we see the worst lie of all.

This lie follows so many other lies: the Russia Collusion Hoax, Hillary’s Trump Dossier, Trump’s telephone call with Ukraine, Hunter’s Laptop was Russian disinformation, the 51 Intelligence officials and Morel and Blinken’s role in their fake letter, and too many more to record in this article.

But the biggest, sickening lie of all has been revealed to the total shock of Democrats, the Main Media, Academia, Independents, and all Americans. Our President has been shielded by a deliberately misleading, untruthful, and misguided “narrative” that has put the country in an awful, even dangerous position.

This hoax narrative has continued for years. We now hear that the Biden clan knew Joe was suffering from “dementia.” Still, they wanted to hold onto the power and glory of the Presidency – and prevent Trump from getting back into the office, no matter what the consequences.

Then we learn that the Biden team would sequester Joe for a week at Camp David before the debate to prepare—a full five days of intense preparation. We also learned that the team consisted of no less than 18 experts who would grill Joe in an aircraft hangar with a stage to replicate the debate. This routine went on day after day, and his team made the world know how hard he was working to be fully prepared against the evil MAGA dictator.

Worse, the rumor is dark about the truth of it all. It seems that Joe’s performance during those intense training sessions was actually worse than what Joe did during the debate.

Yes, it was worse. Joe’s team knew he was not going to do well. Joe’s team made the decisions about the date of the debate, the selection of the liberal media CNN, the venue, and the rules. It was all intended to be to Joe’s advantage.   

But was it done on purpose to give the party time to replace Joe at the upcoming convention in August?

Whatever the case, the narrative of lies, deceptions, disguises, and absences crumbled into dust within 90 minutes, and your eyes could not reject the obvious truth to behold. There was no more denying your lying eyes believing the Democratic narrative.

Moreover, even the Democrats who swallowed the narrative seem shocked—completely surprised and panicked. Maybe they will realize they were suckered deliberately. The hoax was evident to anyone with a smidgen of rationality.

Thank goodness that Biden, being stubborn and unknowing or accepting of his failing mental health, wanted to do the debate. He could have refused to debate and continued the deception, setting us up for a monumental crisis if he had won with Kamala Harris in the jump seat.

Unfortunately, his coming out pity party was viewed by the entire world, including our enemies and all those who want to take advantage of the situation: Mexican cartels, illegal aliens, criminals, terrorists, and countries like China, Russia, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and North Korea.

Don’t forget, unlike the charge that Trump would get us into WW III, Biden is now dealing with three wars: Ukraine/Russia, Hamas/Israel, and Houthis/Iran.

Even so, we have domestic crises, including drugs, crime, inflation, national debt, taxes, illegal aliens, homelessness, over-regulation, war on oil & gas, wage declines, poor education results, Woke/DEI/Social Justice,   and more.

Clearly, we have a President who is not in charge, has been suffering mental decline for years, and is not capable of continuing in his job or any job. This was also obvious during Special Prosecutor Robert Hur’s interview and Joe’s rejecting press conferences and public audiences without a teleprompter or note cards.

He cannot hide anymore.

The clock is running…seven months hang in the balance.


Blog #50 Great Articles by J Turley


Blog #48 Biden’s Debate Debacle