Blog #45 Kamala is Best for America…REALLY?

I wrote this to a left-liberal Democrat, borderline Socialist, after the Debate…

Based on the presidential debate, I quickly changed my mind and will now support Kamala and the goofball Tim Walz. It might be a bit impetuous, but, of course, this is despite the following:

- It is OK that she will increase taxes for everyone, directly or indirectly. She will spend trillions more for everything: housing incentives, college loan forgiveness, start-up businesses and more. The toughest thing will be cap gains for everyone and cap gains tax on unearned gains (not likely to happen, right?) But no matter, she will not make up for this without debilitating and restrictive regulations that prevent small businesses or oil companies from proceeding with growth, even if they go out of business. After all, the Green New Deal is more important because it will prevent Humanity from the irreversible death spiral in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, or whenever. We all pray for our survival, right? A nuclear war with Russia or China is no problem, thank goodness!

- She will be creative in generating new ideas like no tax on tips or no tax on overtime pay. Er…is that true? She is working for the benefit of working people and focused on taxing those evil billionaires who are funding companies and walking away with evil profits. We could confiscate all their billions and fund the Fed Govt for many 6 months, but then we will find other ways to pay for social services for a billion people or not. I wonder how well that has worked in other countries. Where are the exceptional people who create new businesses, solve otherwise unsolvable problems, or take risks most people would never consider?

- She failed to secure the border, but that was never the intent. They wanted millions (15-30 Million) to cross the border illegally to change the demographics of the US to ensure a One-Party Domination that would focus on socialism and the retention of their power. But that is OK, as we don't need a two-party political system, right? The Govt knows better than most, and we need to provide more social services even if those who receive benefits vastly outnumber those who pay taxes. 

Kamala wants to give free healthcare to everyone: illegals, citizens, and anyone who comes across the border. That is so generous and so humanitarian! I am sure she will find a way to pay the trillions of dollars that will cost. I hope it will not bankrupt our country even as our national debt exceeds a breathtaking $34 Trillion.

- As for that pesky Constitution, we need to weaken the SCOTUS by adding more Justices to be Democrats to allow the Executive Branch to do what it wants without interference by Congress or the Courts. She now believes, contrary to her past musings, that things like mandatory gun buybacks won't happen as she now sees it as not that much of a problem. Also, social media needs to be controlled by the Govt since freedom of speech means there will be more disinformation that is not acceptable to the Govt. People like Zuckerberg and Musk need to be controlled as they could be anti-Democratic in their platforms of disinformation. All of this is warranted, right?

- Crime is down, right?!  Even though the FBI admits that they don't get voluntary input for their statistics from major blue cities like NYC, Chic, Phil, LA, and others representing a third of the U.S. So, no problem increases in theft, rape, and murder is an imaginary claim made by those pesky Republicans. However, I struggle with the fact that the DOJ just announced today, 09/13/2024, that violent crime has increased 39.6%, crime with a weapon up 68%, aggravated assault up 66%, rape/sexual assault up 48%, and roberry up 57.5%. Yet, Main Media does not report this in their outrageous bias. While she was in loud support of defunding and reimagining Police, she now sees it as unnecessary, and she will not continue to ask for the elimination of ICE. Isn't that true? Also, she used to support bail for arsonists/murderers/thieves, such as those in Minneapolis, with a GoFundMe bailout program. She won't be so lenient in the future, right?

- We need continued efforts to support DEI/Woke/Gender Identity initiatives. Forget about a meritocracy and that unqualified people of color/sex/minority should get advancement into jobs like Medical Doctors, Air Controllers, Airline Pilots, Truck Drivers, Police, Secret Service Agents, you name it. Equity is more important than performance, qualifications, and results. Also, it is no problem that surgeries can be made on children to change their sex - even without parental permission. But that is not likely, right? Also, we should not worry about tampons in boys rooms or a massive exposure to LGBTQIA-1 priorities over the majority. Lastly, it is true that we are a Racist nation and we should ignore that Democrats started the KKK and fought against Lincoln and even the Civil Rights Act. Yep, we should remember that the Democrats will not want to violate the Constitution with its violation of the rule of law in a multitude of cases, as that won't happen in the future. Harris is now saying illegal immigrants are not criminals, er, ah, they are lawbreakers, I think, right?

Oh, I forgot to mention that “sanctuaries” are good for America according to left-liberals. Of course, we have seen all the benefits in our major cities for how it satisfies our virtuous beliefs and generosity for illegals over the interests of our citizens. But such virtue is the priority, right?

- Oh, I forgot again to mention that Kamala will give up the idea she has held firm for years for having the Govt pay out reparations by the billions to those we need to identify somehow. She can figure that out easily, right? This is not about reverse racism, is it? 95% of the Union Soldiers who died fighting slavery were white. But we should still pay reparations to those who were not slaves or never related to slaves, or if they are whites, they should pay reparations even if they were not slave owners or even if they were blacks who were slave owners. Of course, slavery existed for centuries before the US was formed and is still alive all around the world. It may be the original sin of humanity.

- She will not stop fracking now, after years (a decade?) of stating she will never allow it. It can't be said that she has no fracking idea how to provide enough energy to support AI data centers without hurting homes and businesses. She will support natural gas and nuclear power as low/no emissions options over solar/windmills, right? Somehow, she will fix our electrical grid with solar/wind/EVs everywhere. That is great for the environment, right?

Kamala will fight the Teacher's Union, which has lowered educational standards, with high numbers of children failing the three R's up to and including High School grads. She will reverse this horrible situation, which has gone on for years since the Union controls the Democratic Party.

- Inflation won't happen again. The last four years of transitory Inflation Hell is over, right? Somehow, her spending will avoid the same problem for raising prices. Also, her price controls will be an outstanding success even though it has never worked...come to think of it, socialism has never worked either. Although the standard of living has declined under Biden/Harris, she will make sure real wages will go up again. Credit card debt has ballooned for the average American. Maybe she will forgive that debt too?

- I'm so glad she was "in the room" and “comfortable” when the awesome decision was made to conduct an escape from Afghanistan without regard for leaving Americans behind, the weapons we left, or the soldiers who would be killed. Instead, we need to continue paying the Taliban today millions of dollars to ensure they don't use our weapons against us. That was a great deal, right?

- Lastly, she will prevail in getting Hamas/Palestinians to accept and support a Two-State solution even though Hamas says that it will never accept it and hasn't accepted it since before the days of Yasser Arafat. Instead, Hamas still, as of Sept 2024, demands the death of Israel. The Two-State solution is never going to happen until Hamas is wiped out and Iran withdraws their support. But Kamala is adept at foreign policy and will be able to make it happen anyway, just as she was able to make a difference in the Ukraine War with Russia...oh, wait,...WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING??

I won’t continue with more issues involving antisemitism, VotingID, abortion, NATO, Ukraine, Gaza, Iran, Israel, China, Taiwan, Afghanistan, India, North Korea, Yemen, and Somalia. And then there is human trafficking, fentanyl/drugs flooding the country, child and female sex trafficking/forced prosecution, and trans men playing in women’s sports. One more: having the Fed Govt pay for transexual surgeries for prisoners.

I forgot only for a microsecond — Kamala and her moron VP (a gay, horse-semen drinking, DUI convicted liar) is a mistake for America. Both are Socialist losers who have no problem driving America over the edge to a new culture of socialistic failure. 

Forgive me if I have any sense for the love of America's past culture of Judeo-Christian values, Capitalism, and the Rule of Law. My decision is not based on personality but on policy!

I will have only one choice out of two. That is, Trump is the only choice. 

God Bless America and Trump.

P.S. If you get a chance, go see RAGAN at the box office. My wife was sobbing at the end. It really is politics, foreign policy and a love story all in one.


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