Blog#44 America’s Life/Death Decision Which Path Will It Follow?

This is not about hyperbole or being an alarmist.

America is about to make a potentially irreversible decision. It is at a crossroads, and it must choose between two paths.

It really is a life decision – to endorse a radical cultural change or retain the model that has progressed successfully since the Revolution in 1776.

America has been a regulated capitalistic society based on a set Constitution and Bill of Rights with three independent branches of government. It became the wealthiest country in the world with an incredible track record of innovation, new business development, new products fueling new markets, creating a level of personal freedom not known to humanity, and dominance as a world leader.

In so doing, it also created major changes over the years to introduce and expand social support with a continuous stream of programs including social security, welfare, social justice, Medicare, and Medicaid.

To date, this has received bi-partisan support but not without constructive contention. Having a safety net for Americans is agreed to be an important part of modern society.

But that is about to change dramatically and probably irreversibly.

The Harris/Walz duo are admitted socialists. As Walz says, “one person’s socialism is another’s neighborliness.” As such, price controls, regulations, taxes, corporate and wealth controls, free healthcare for all, open borders, no Voter ID, during pandemics, expect to be shut in with no travel or jobs, anti-semitism, anti-Christian, and criminals are victims all become the norm. A one-party rule, giving free stuff to the poor to keep them on their umbilical cord, high taxes and regulations for businesses and wealthy people (unless they donate heavily to their political campaigns). In a word: Socialism.

The Obama Administration planted the seeds for major change, which Trump reversed to some degree. The Biden/Harris Administration, however, brought it back in full force. They focused on having open borders. A massive influx of immigrants from all over the world without vetting increased the number of people dependent on Big Government by over 15 million in just four years.

This is intended to cause a “demographic change” with new migrants (illegal aliens) who will be granted amnesty, given driver’s licenses and the right to vote equivalent to being citizens. Forget having Voter ID laws. This by itself is violating Federal law. No matter, the plan is to use this base of dependent people supported by elite billionaires to create a one-party system. That would end our Democracy as we have known it. This is what has happened in New York, New Jersey, California, Washington, and Oregon - all effectively controlled by the Democratic Party. The only choice for citizens is to move out altogether to another State.

Keep in mind the Biden/Harris Administration ignored the rule of law by not defending our border, refusing to build a wall on the Mexican border, doing nothing to stop the Fentanyl crisis killing hundreds of thousands of Americans, ignoring SCOTUS and Federal Appeals Court on rulings against forgiving college loans, and promoting liberal prosecutors to simply not prosecute criminals on the basis of equity. As a result, theft and other major crimes have spiked in major cities.

However, that is not the worst of it. The new Democratic-Socialist Party, led by Harris/Walz, also espoused other changes.

The summary of their beliefs domestically includes continuing the war on oil and gas, green initiatives to reduce world temperatures, Woke/DEI ideologies, gender-affirming care, even for children under 12 years of age without parents approval and putting feminine hygiene products in the boy’s bathrooms in grades 1-8, free healthcare and childcare for all people in America, making MN a “Sanctuary State for transsexual” operations,  support for the LGBTQ1A community, forgiveness for college loans, higher taxes for businesses and a wealth tax for rich, more business regulations, and more power to the Administrative agencies of the Federal Government (in opposition to the Supreme Court’s Chevron decision). More, Harris supports “mandatory buybacks” for rifles (assault weapons).

In addition, the belief will continue to print money for targeted social programs no matter the consequences of the insanely growing National Debt (now over an incomprehensible $35 Trillion). This will ensure that dependent people will vote for the new Socialist politicians. Creating such dependency is a hallmark of socialist societies that saw the elimination of individual initiative, persistence, or creativity. They are affected by government programs and are controlled by the rules. Of course, none of this is economically sustainable. Sooner or later the country will collapse into a depression as the debt overcomes our ability to pay.

Regarding foreign policy, following a left-liberal socialist approach, they support Hamas protesters, demonstrate antisemitism, are opposed to Israel, and have no policy for Iran. Worse, they support the Islamic movement. 45 Islamic fighters/terrorists were groomed in Minneapolis and then traveled to Somalia to join Al Shabaab, much like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. Other Congresspersons like Tlaib, Omar, AOC, and Plessey support the Islamic culture in America.

America has crossed the Rubicon in that more people receive government benefits than there are taxpayers to fund them. This will increase, especially with Harris/Walz pushing the concept of Universal Income and programs that create dependency.

Then there is the idea that America must serve “Social Justice” to somehow make up for perceived injustices to certain people. Criminals are excused due to their social situation. In effect, criminals become victims, and actual victims of criminals are ignored. One can argue that social justice means no equitable justice. That only reduces respect for the rule of law.

Both Biden and Walz supported GoFundMe to bail out protestors who set cities ablaze or even murdered people. When Minneapolis was burning in 2020, Governor Walz did nothing and cheered for the protestors (BLM and ANTIFA). He now admits that was a mistake.

But another fundamental issue of Harris/Walz is that society does not need to be a meritocracy. Advancement must show equity – promotion and job awards not necessarily based on merit.

Corporations are judged not just by results but by concepts like diversity of the Board or achievement of diversity at all levels of employees.  In education, standards are reduced to allow those who otherwise could not make the grade. This might sound virtuous until one realizes that the standards are reduced in all professions from doctors to airline pilots, from engineers to air traffic controllers. Lives have been lost due to DEI choices. Even the head of the Secret Service is a DEI decision who selected a DEI “site agent” for Trump’s rally at Butler, PA.

What was considered common sense has morphed into common equity (not equality).

So, the choice is now in the hands of America’s voters who will determine, possibly for all time, whether or not it will embrace pure socialism, no matter its history of failure in the most tragic of circumstances.

Trump/Vance represents a conservative approach to traditional values in direct opposition to all the points above that the socialists have for core beliefs.

Domestically, Trump/Vance support business with less regulation and government oversight, expansion of oil & gas production and drilling to gain energy independence, reducing taxes (including not taxing tips) for all while reducing spending and incenting growth,  closing the border to illegal immigrants while supporting legal immigration, allowing the States to decide for themselves what to do about abortion. In addition, they support toughness on crime and restoring police organizations after years of defunding the police and allowing liberal prosecutors to mitigate prosecutions. Moreover, they do not support the Woke/DEI/CRT social division it creates. In fact, it can be said that Harris is a perfect example of DEI recruitment as being a black female was the most important criterion for selection than competence.

Harris is on video stating that if she is elected President, she will sign a “reparations bill.” This is another form of equity and income distribution. Implementing such a bill would be nearly impossible without creating unfairness, massive resentment, and division.

Regarding foreign policy, Trump won’t be bullied into paying for other country's defense. For too long, America picked up most of the tab, and Europeans laughed at us for being so accommodating.  Trump is personally familiar with the key world protagonists: Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, and the Ayatollah, along with the terrorist organizations of ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Al Shabaab, and Taliban.

Who among Americans is willing to roll the dice and bet the country on a new form of government?

Make no mistake: socialism is a new form of government. We already see attempts to rewrite the Constitution and both the First and Second Amendments, to pack SCOTUS and reform it to make it less effective, and to bolster the president's authority to ignore laws and enforce new laws without Congressional approval (new laws being new regulations by Administrative state agencies, effectively bypassing Congress). Combine that with enough popular vote to ensure a One-Party System that can then enforce Constitutional changes like terminating the Electoral College and ending free speech while removing the right to bear arms.

America now must decide for the sake of its grandchildren and beyond.

In God, we trust…in voting, we decide.

God help us.


Blog #45 Kamala is Best for America…REALLY?


Blog #43 Why Kamala is Dangerous to America’s Future