Blog #43 Why Kamala is Dangerous to America’s Future

Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders are the Socialist Leaders in the U.S. They use expressions like Social Democrats, Progressives, and left-liberals, but the truth is they believe in Marxist/Socialist ideology. Kamala’s own father is a long-time Professor of Marxism/Socialism at Stanford University. For years, Kamala and Bernie expressed their obvious socialist policies, but today, Kamala is word-smithing in word salad, ever committed to disguising her core beliefs. Illegals are not criminals, fracking should be banned, the Supreme Court needs to be changed, protesters committing so-called peaceful protests, and so many other examples are evidence of her hypocrisy, duplicity, reckless policies, and untrustworthiness.

As proof of her reckless beliefs, here is a working list of DOMESTIC actions she would take as President:

  • Implement the Wealth-tax (tax on value even, if not realized or earned);

  • New Tax on ALL financial transactions (imagine ALL financial transactions, buying/selling anything);

  • Higher Tax on Corporations (more taxes means Corporations spend less on growth);

  • Price Controls has never been successful. If you want to raise the prices of homes, have the Fed institute price controls. Also, any free money to want-a-be owners will pay more for housing. Just like college loans, the colleges raise the tuition when they know you can get govt loans.

  • Payout Reparations (its nonsense but who/how could this be done?);

  • Supports Teacher's Union and against School Choice (The Teacher’s Union collected billions in Federal Aid and much went into pockets of the leadership);

  • Rent controls (history has proven time and again that rent control worsens housing availability by removing incentives to build new apartments/houses); she proposes giving up to 30% towards rent for select people;

  • Universal Income (income redistribution, taxpayers pay taxes to give money to those who don’t work or won’t work);

  • Free healthcare and childcare, including illegals, for all people (imagine increasing healthcare for all illegals —about 25 million people — who have no ability to pay and the impact on hospitals/doctors being overwhelmed giving all Americans worse medical care. This would mean the end of private healthcare.; while on the subject, she thinks we should support transexual operations and even have the govt pay for them, even if they are in prison.

  • Free community college and student loan forgiveness (why are taxpayers paying for college for others while not getting support for their focus on trade schools while destroying the integrity of taking out a contract for a loan)

  • Supports BLM, ANTIFA protesters; (Peaceful protests ...not; look at what happened in Chicago and a dozen other American cities during the summer of 2021 — over $1 Billion in damages and two dozen murdered — and where Kamala raised funds to bail out arsonists/rapists with her email/Twitter requests);

  • Social Justice: Supports liberal prosecutors with funding from Soros, where criminals are treated as victims.

  • Open Borders...ban our borders; Illegals are not breaking the law and should not be arrested or returned to their original country. She does not comment on the 50,000 children lost by the DHS who entered the US illegally, child trafficking being a massive problem. Along with the Open Border strategy is the intent to change the demographics of the US and give all illegals the right to vote. Forget about the Voter ID laws.

  • Note: Kamala is on video many times where she declares unequivocally that she supports open borders. Per the NYTimes: “it would give officials the authority to summarily remove migrants, with little recourse, after a certain number cross: an average of 5,000 encounters per day for a week, or 8,500 in a single day.” It was unenforceable and ineffective and more of a politically driven silly move.

  • If we have open borders, we don’t need ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) or border agents. In fact, she stated on video that she would mandate mandatory buy-back of weapons. Note: she may be flip-flopping on that today, in contrast to the opposite stand she promoted for years.

  • Support for National WOKE, DEI, CRT, Gender Identity, Racism, Anti-Whites; (DEI is nothing more than reverse discrimination based on subjective assessments and reduces standards to pass those who cannot meet the requirements). Plus she supports Gender Identity: social issues, gender fluid insanity, and puberty blockers for early teenagers. In CA, children wanting to change sex will not allow teachers to inform parents of such action.

  • “Defund Police” or “Reimagine Police” in major cities—can you see how bad that has been for citizens' safety and security?

  • War on Energy: Ban Fracking, Offshore drilling, drilling on Federal lands, and Fossil fuel power plants. Note: Kamala has said clearly she would “ban fracking,” but after Biden withdrew from the campaign, she changed her words. Can anyone trust such flip-flops?

  • Climate Change Policies/EVs/against gas vehicles and other gas-powered appliances & devices; she sponsored a multi - $$ Billion program to build EV Buses. Only 60 have been built with many technical problems delaying production.

  • Ignores monument desecration, protests, and disruptions (examples are BLM, ANTIA and HAMAS);

  • Reform SCOTUS (stack the court, retirement rules, etc.);

  • Massive Spending Spiking Inflation, raising the National Debt above $35 TRILLION. (In fairness, both political parties do not want to address the collision course we are on with bankruptcy.)

  • Lied to America and kept the hoax for 3+ years to hide Biden's senility/cognitive decline. Only days before the fateful debate that Joe Biden showed his dementia, Kamala said that Biden was doing great and could run circles around her and promoted the idea that Joe was as “sharp as a tack”, but, in reality, he could not speak without a script, Q-cards, teleprompters, and guides. The debate was a disaster and forced him to quit the Presidential campaign. It was embarrassing for all of America.

  • Abortion is available on demand during pregnancy

Separate from all the above, we have the area of foreign policy, which reveals her total ignorance. She won’t go to the US Border while we spend hundreds of billions (!) on other foreign borders. She knows little about foreign policy issues, let alone solutions. Remember, she thinks the withdrawal from Afghanistan was successful. She admitted that she was the “last person in the room with Biden” when the decision was made to evacuate immediately. She agreed and felt comfortable with the decision.

She is clueless about the Middle East and believes the focus should be on getting a two-state solution for Hamas/Gaza. She does not understand that Hamas will not accept a two-state solution, and that has been true for the past 50 years! She doesn’t know what the Abraham Accords were about.

Critical foreign policy issues Worldwide involve: Ukraine, Russia, the entire Middle East (including the Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, Shiites and Sunnis, in addition to Iran, Saudi, Yemen, Qatar, Kuwait, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran), then you have Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. With China, we have the conflict with Taiwan, and the perennial enemy of North Korea.

Does Kamala have the knowledge, skill, problem-solving, and leadership to manage these challenges?

A mistake will cost $$ Trillions and untold numbers of people with death and despair. The conflict in Ukraine has already taken over 300,000 lives and counting with a quarter of the country in total ruin. Then you have the mess in Gaza.

Domestically, she has had a 92% turnover of her staff. She treats them with disdain, openly uses vulgarity and fear to manage her staff, and is far from a “team.” Note that Biden had a 77% turnover, and Trump had a 72% turnover.

Trump is proven and more than capable. This is about leadership, effectiveness, and risk management, focusing on serving America first. We must not think we can solve all the World’s problems.

Even so, we will need the helping hand of God.


Blog#44 America’s Life/Death Decision Which Path Will It Follow?


Blog #42 Who is Kamala Harris? Here Is Her Sordid History.