Bog #46 Why is America in Peril?

America is truly in chaos. How could we let this happen?

Have we lost our minds? Where is common sense? How did we get here?

Some would say it was started by the Floyd killing and the racial riots that followed. But it started before that. Go back to Obama’s term, where race became a huge problem for our society on a level that seemed to reverse all progress that was being made, albeit slowly, since the sacrificial efforts of the Civil War, and more recently with the Civil Rights Act in 1968.

Some worry that we are seeing the implementation of Saul Alinsky’s 13-rule playbook and Marxist doctrine. Socialism has always been tempting because it promises a Utopia for everyone. Of course, it has only failed in history, but that does not dampen the spirit of power-hungry radical activists and desperate people.

We had the promotion of CRT, or Critical Race Theory, to heighten awareness of a new expression, “white privilege,” supported and surpassed the old claim of white supremacy. Radical leftists have promoted CRT to explain the racial problems we have in the U.S. All of a sudden, everybody and everything was racist. It was a shocking change.

Feminism and the “glass ceiling” gave way to Wokeism. Being Woke was opening the door to a whole new category of ills, from using the right pronouns to reverse discrimination. It was now a world of victimization. Yes, criminals were really the victims of society, and real victims of crime are lost in the arguments. Incredibly, some of our politicians went ahead and released criminals from prisons to reflect the disadvantages they experienced in their lives. Progressive, lenient prosecutors dealt with new crimes. Politicians actually coordinated GoFundMe pages to raise funds to bail out convicted murderers and arsonists.

This all morphed into the world of DEI, or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Forget our Constitution, which made “equality” the basic fundamental belief of our Republic for the first time in human history. Equality was no longer the correct value. It changed to “equity,” which intends to force the acceptance of unqualified persons over those who are qualified to compensate for historical oppression dating back to the U.S. Civil War of the 1860s.

Although America has managed its society as a ‘meritocracy,” some now embrace the idea that people should advance in their careers based on race, sexual orientation, religion, or lack thereof, even with a lack of credentials and are otherwise unqualified compared to other candidates. DEI can mean those who do not meet educational or a host of other qualifications can still be advanced over those with credibility, credentials, and a higher level of experience. This kind of DEI thinking has spread throughout the US Government, including the Military, and in the civilian world, all kinds of jobs from doctors to pilots, from police to government leaders. It must guarantee a lower level of performance and poorer results while believing it is just and virtuous.

Another new concept part of the LGBTQ1A platform is gender identity. It is more than being homosexual or bisexual in sexual relationships; it has morphed into promoting the idea that some young children who may have questions about their sexuality deserve the right to conduct hormone therapy and even sex change surgeries. This is also promoted by politicians who even passed laws allowing young pre-puberty and pubescent children to initiate such radical changes – even without the consent of parents.

Out of nowhere, we learn the level of antisemitism is outrageous but has been hidden, especially in New York and across Ivy League Universities in America. Jews have long been supporters of Democrats with votes and money without any clue that antisemitism is deep and only reared its ugly head during the Gaza War with tens of thousands of Hamas/terrorist supporters parading, if not rioting, in our streets, on campuses, and at Democratic events.

All of this has created a world of radical changes that has many American heads spinning in circles of disbelief. The typical refrain is, “What the hell has happened to America?”

But then, in 2021, the country changed physically with the opening of our gates on the borders. Air, land, and sea access was open to all peoples of the world, mostly the poor, disabled, or even criminals. In nearly four years, we had over ten to fifteen million people flood across the border illegally, plus two to three million more “gotaways.” They were invited and sponsored by the Federal Government controlled by the Socialist-Democrats with free transportation, money, food, housing, education, healthcare, and more. Worse, they were mostly unvetted, with no verifiable backgrounds and documents, and had no record of health shots or vaccines (like for COVID-19 when some Americans and military lost their jobs by not having the vaccine shots because they did not follow the rules). Moreover, many don’t speak English or understand our way of life, our rules of law, and how we act in an organized society.

The havoc this has caused America continues to grow worse. We have a society that wants to be financially enabled by the Federal Government as if they have no limit to funds and an unlimited supply of money from printing presses. The trillions of national debt have no meaning or care by its politicians, and it's just beyond comprehension and unfathomable to most Americans. Who will pay for all this? Working Americans have to fork over the taxes to accommodate the massive give-away. Even so, half of US residents pay no Federal Income Tax and the top 50% of earners in the US pay 97% of taxes and to take it further, the top 5% pay 60% of taxes. We need to support and show respect for our top earners as they are they ones who are keeping us alive. It would be utter stupidity to drive them out of the US with confiscatory laws as they once did in Europe before they learned their lesson.

It is well known that radical left-liberal progressive democrats want a completely different society. They use Woke/DEI/Gender/Race/illegal aliens/free money, even climate change and the Green New Deal arguments and hysteria around an ”existential threat to all humanity” that is imminent (any day now or in 5, 10 years or at some point in the future) to gain votes to get power using fear. Remember, the Inflation Reduction Act did nothing to reduce inflation; it was just the opposite and increased inflation. Trillions are being spent on Green programs, allowing elites to make good on their investments. The obvious strategy is to increase as many new illegal immigrants, legal immigrants, and dependent Americans as possible who desperately need government support. They give up their freedoms for the new and evolving government rules without realizing it. But it solidifies left-liberal Socialistic-Democratic control, and opposition is stifled, if not imprisoned.

Who is leading this effort? Consider the elite demagogue politicians Obama, Clinton, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Walz, Newsom, Warren, Schiff, and the elite billionaires and activists like Kerry and Gates, including some elite Republicans like Cheney and Romney, and other Neocons who are against many of the Amendments to the Bill of Rights and even the composition of the Federal Government while conducting war for faux virtuous reasons. The bottom line is to obtain the power to create a One-Party Political System (Uni-Party) composed of elite democrats and republicans, more accurately called Oligarchs.

Consider them American Oligarchs.

To generalize (yes, it is dangerous but still relevant), Gen Z and Millennials see the Oligarchy as giving them an easier road rather than earning a place in society through hard work, preparation, constant education, and hard knocks experience. For instance, they love the idea of not having to pay back college loans.  Gen X and Baby Boomers generally hold to traditional values and Christian-Judeo beliefs that made America the world's wealthiest and most generous, innovative country.

The Oligarchs are focused on getting Gen Z and Millennials to adopt this new political domination. Once they get firm control of the Republic, it will be an irreversible change until America reaches bankruptcy and depression, which eventually will cast the US into a civil war. This election of 2024 will be the turning point for the American experiment. We have seen the intolerance of the left-liberals when they burned cities, killed white people, tore down monuments, defaced property, burned our US flag, shot Republican politicians, and with “lawfare,” have done everything possible to by-pass the SCOTUS and bring down Trump, RFK jr, Tulsi Gabbard, and Elon Musk. Two attempted assassinations of Trump is no accident.

For those who don’t believe we will slip into depression and despair, consider that free healthcare alone will more than 3X our current annual national deficit of $2 trillion (with the National Debt already over a staggering $35 Trillion and over $1.2 Trillion in 2024 just for interest on that debt with the debt growing $1 Trillion every 100 days) while making healthcare worse with hospitals overwhelmed overnight by people looking for healthcare. Interest on the debt alone will far exceed a trillion dollars a year. More people will collect government benefits/welfare/cash/ services than taxpayers can pay into the system. Productivity will decline due to heavy debt, high taxes, strict regulations, and stricter law enforcement.  

Inflation, real wage incomes, immigration, crime, and cultural upheaval will break America. I mean this without exaggeration, hyperbole, or being alarmist that the sky is falling. We will have 25-50 million people seeking cultural-socialist change that will run an irreversible course. I just don’t see how we can stop the direction to a new culture and society for America if we continue with the Harris/Walz radical socialistic agenda at the same time that we have more than 25 million migrants who have not assimilated.

Eventually, civil war will probably break out to end it all. Worse, our endless commitment to wars elsewhere in the world drives our debt higher with no domestic advantage or positive results, weakening us to foreign intervention domestically. In a worst-case scenario, the U.S. will become disunited, forcing states to reorganize to represent new countries.

But it can’t happen here, right? 5 years? 15 years? 30 years?

Hmmm, do you know the last 20-year history of Venezuela?

The Pied Piper of Hamelin sings his tune…loudly.


Blog #45 Kamala is Best for America…REALLY?