Blog #40 America’s Dilemma: Presidential Dementia

The practice of deliberate deception and massive misinformation is happening every day in our political system. But the most egregious, long-term campaign of deceit, treachery, lies, and legal charges against the opposition by the U.S. Democratic Party is nothing short of epic. 
Consider what they say versus what they do…there seems no limit to their mendacity…
Corruption in Ukraine, the “telephone call,” bribes, collusion, peddling influence…all done by Biden et al., and yet blamed it on Trump (the basis for one of two Impeachments) when actually they were doing it all along.
For four years, the propaganda pitch was the Russian Collusion, Trump was an Agent of Putin. Yet instead of seeking peace, Biden feeds a war that has killed hundreds of thousands and destroyed a third of Ukraine. Hillary and the Democrat Party actually paid $10 Million for the fake Trump Dossier to be written and promoted for years as truth when it was totally false. Worse, the FBI knew it.
For years, Democrats said Trump would start WW III. Today, Biden has conflicts/wars going on in Ukraine, the Caucuses, and the Middle East. War and Jihad are spreading wildly.
They laughed at Trump crossing into North Korea with Kim Jung-Un, yet today N. Korea is launching ballistic missiles over Japan. Our relationship is as bad as ever with N. Korea. 
Biden mocked Trump's terrible treatment of a “friend”, China, and derided Trump’s tariffs and protectionism, even as China steals our IP, plays the currency game, puts tariffs on our products, feeds the Mexican Cartels with fentanyl, violates our patents, builds a bigger Navy and Army than the U.S., commits espionage freely, forces our companies to include technology transfer to do business in China, and was the epicenter for the COVID-19 pandemic due to research on deadly viruses.
Biden says that Trump violates the Constitution and will end Democracy in America. Yet Biden has violated the Constitution and ignored rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court. Democrats would like to pack the Supreme Court. Examples include not enforcing laws, creating two standards of Justice, forgiving hundreds of millions of dollars in college loans, and the FBI/DOJ refused to charge Hillary and Biden as they felt that no jury would convict her or him and decided against using a Grand Jury.  Then there is the FBI trying to control speech with visits to social media companies in violation of our First Amendment. Lastly, we all know how Biden et al oppose the Second Amendment.
One of the greatest hypocritical and deceptive acts was creating the illusion that Hunter’s laptop was nothing more than Russian disinformation. Biden promoted the endorsement of 52 intelligence officials in his campaign against Trump. It was all a lie, and the FBI knew it and kept the laptop under wraps for over two years.
He called Trump irresponsible for taking classified documents to his home, although they were taken when he was President and stored in a locked room in Mar-a-Lago and guarded by the Secret Service. Biden stores his classified documents taken when he was only a Senator and then as a VP, both times without such privilege, and stored in open boxes in his garage with his Corvette next to junk and in several other locations in two states. 
After a Special Counsel investigated the apparent crime, the conclusion was controversial, to say the least. Biden ‘willfully retained, disclosed Classified Materials,’ but ‘no criminal charges are warranted.’
Democrats thought that Trump was liable under the 25th Amendment, and now we learn Biden is demonstrating a perfect example of a clear issue for resolution under the 25th Amendment. His own DOJ says he is an “elderly man” with a “poor memory” and has “diminished faculties” and therefore cannot be charged with a crime he committed.
In the end, only Biden is quite capable of being President but is mentally unfit to be charged with a crime against the U.S. Government.  Supporting this notion is the refusal to present clear and obvious evidence and willful conduct before a Grand Jury, which was confirmed by his own Attorney General. 
What is happening is that the President of the U.S. is unfit for a trial and now stands before the World in a public indictment of dementia.
The challenge is that even though it is warranted to remove Biden as President due to his demented state of mind, the result would be President Kamala Harris, arguably more incompetent than Biden.
Going a step further, given Biden forgot his political positions in years past (examples: illegals and border protection, abortion, social justice, China, and DoD budgets), he has demonstrated arguably the worst-performing cabinet in decades. 
This is a dangerous time in history. It’s also humiliating for our country and for Biden himself. We have at least one more year to go.
God help us at the November election that could go from dementia to disaster.

Blog #41 Gulag Archipelago


Blog #39 What if they left?