Blog #41 Why Would I Vote for a Republican?

Americans have a choice: Harris vs. Trump. Like it or not, that is the choice.

Each party feels strongly about their candidate. Warped and wrong perceptions of personalities and policies fuel crazy emotions on both sides.

Democrats have bloody eyes and simply don’t understand or can’t tolerate those who support Trump. They are considered MAGA morons. According to Democratic politicians, MAGA people are poisoned with someone who will be an existential threat to America and who will end Democracy with no decency, compassion, or legitimacy.

Republicans cannot accept the changes the radical leftists are forcing upon Americans and believe that Biden/Harris and his followers are taking all of us down the socialist rat hole that goes against the history of the U.S. and its proven success. Worse, social chaos and racism have worsened under Democratic rule energized by Obama. Remember the cities burning across the U.S. in BLM and ANTIFA riots and the seeming acceptance by the DOJ with no one brought to justice but not so for the Jan 6 protest by Republicans. Kamala Harris even worked on fundraising for criminals in Democrat cities burned. The fundamental strategy of the Radical Democrats is to create chaos and that stimulates division that they can use to take power.

The fact remains that for over 5 years, Trump has been continually vilified and demonized, referred to as Hitler, a Fascist, Dictator, Psychotic Liar, Satan, and one who would kill generals, politicians, and gays while deporting Americans. Lastly, he is a threat who would end Democracy. The vitriol and belligerence against Trump are described as a “derangement syndrome.” At the same time, Biden is suffering from senility or dementia and is protected by Harris and his Cabinet. It is plainly visible to any wanting to believe their eyes. The Democrats and Media disguised this for years and lied/deceived America.

So, with that background, here is why I would still vote for Trump.

It is about policies. Both Biden/Harris and Trump have personality problems. But the distinction must be made on policy positions that define our future.

Biden supports “open borders” rather than legal immigration. Yes, that means we will have low-cost labor for people who don’t speak English, have no direct skills, and will likely be on welfare for an extended time or a generation. But that is OK with the Democrats as they will turn them into voters to change the demographics of the U.S.

Trump views them as an unnecessary invasion of problems: crime, cost, welfare, hospitals, schools, homelessness – all force a future drain on America’s standard of living and wealth. He believes that no country can survive by giving away billions of dollars for illegals who break the law but are given everything free, superseding the interests of our citizens.

Why are they doing it? They want votes. They will give the right to illegal immigrants to vote as if they are citizens. You will see this with Democrats against Voter ID laws. Citizenship has no value to Democrats.

“Open borders” are one issue. I will summarize the other reasons that make it easy to make a decision based on policy—not on their personality.

We must recognize failure and/or fix the following…

-         The Afghanistan disaster and Middle East policy failures. What does the UN do for America and the World when it is heavily controlled/influenced by China? In the meantime, we continue to send tens of millions of dollars of aid to the Taliban, while they are a major world arms dealer selling the weapons we left when we evacuated irresponsibly.

-         Unlimited wasteful spending to create Inflation of 9%+ and a National Debt over $35 TRILLION. Biden says 16 Noble economists say that if Trump is elected, we will have an inflation bomb on our economy. During Biden/Harris, the economy grew by $7 Trillion, with the Federal Government going into debt for $8 Trillion. Again, this is insane.

-         Deception/misinformation re COVID (shutting down the economy). Does anyone fully trust the CDC, NIH, FDA? Think of all the lies about the COVID disease and vaccines.

-         Schools are declining in performance and are controlled by Teacher Unions, while charter schools have proven superior in performance. We must stop throwing money at Teacher’s Unions which have overseen a major decline in reading, writing, and math performance. We also should not be putting tampons in the boy’s rooms of grade schools.

-         Abortion is a State-rights issue for the people to decide and should not be a Federal Law. I am willing to compromise and allow abortions only up to the time you hear a baby’s heartbeat. But full-term abortions are terrible.

-         Homelessness begets crime supported by the Mexican Cartels. We must stop all human trafficking, but especially child trafficking. Then you have major “blue cities” with tent camps on their streets and parks, which sponsor drugs and crime. It makes no sense to spend billions to allow anyone from anywhere to come to our country to become welfare cases on the backs of taxpayers.

-         Social Chaos: Woke, CRT, DEI, Gender, LGBTQ, and everything charged as Racist. Minorities are getting priority over Majorities. Gender surgeries are increasing even for children. This is insanity. DEI is against a meritocracy and does not work. It breaks an acceptable level of performance and results by organizations. Worse, DEI puts people in critical jobs where they don’t meet minimum standard requirements for positions such as medical doctors, airline pilots, air traffic controllers, bankers, etc. Lastly, can you imagine the chaos of implementing “Reparations” to a targeted minority as Harris has promised?

-         Social Justice nonsense forcing years of the Defund Police movement, liberal prosecutors treating criminals as victims, with increased criminal acts and not reporting of crime. Local laws, as in NYC, have fewer police to enforce the laws, criminals are treated lightly and released routinely, and courts are overrun by cases where 75% of crimes are committed by illegal immigrants who are not allowed to be given to ICE for deportation due to NYC laws.

-         Record of Hoaxes: Russia Collusion, two failed Impeachments, charges of tax evasion, treason, emoluments, four trials to convict Trump of something - anything, all while hiding Biden’s mental/dementia state.

-         A weak military that can’t meet recruitment goals even with lower standards and Woke attitudes/training. White Supremacy in the military is a hoax. It is not an existential threat to the Nation.

-         Rule of Law: it is routinely ignored/violated by Biden/Harris. Note the giveaway to college people with their loans (very unfair) that is against SCOTUS and Fed Court rulings. The appointment of a special prosecutor is not Constitutional, as demonstrated in the Mar-a-Largo Docs case, and the Democrats press on with lawfare against those deemed opposition, whether Republican or Democrat. Hence, there are lawsuits and efforts to jail or remove them from ballots in the States involving Trump and RFKjr. Then there is the issue of ignoring, even abetting, Illegals crossing our borders. Federal prosecutors not prosecuting crimes. Loss of credibility of the DOJ and FBI with inaccurate reporting of crime figures and focused on political crimes while passing on criminal acts.

-         Freedom of Speech efforts against companies that must promote the approved Federal narratives. The government needs to restrict free speech to avoid what it thinks is disinformation. Yet, the experts are all too often wrong. Governments that control speech to the extent that their acceptable narratives are approved are self-serving propaganda.

-         The War on Oil & Gas—examples include restricting the use of gas stoves, appliances, and home heating and generous grants to sponsor EVs. Farmers need to produce our food. Transportation/logistics is required to run the country. Restricting O&G is raising the cost of everything. It’s political trickery to change your mind and now profess support for fracking when the practice would continue to disallow leases for drilling or use the courts to refuse to allow offshore drilling or build oil processing plants due to environmental restrictions. One of the two greatest sources of inflation besides extraordinary excessive government spending is the price of oil & gas that drives all modes of transportation, farming, manufacturing, and so much more. It is time to “drill, baby, drill!”

 -        Business Focus. Democrats focus on taxing, restricting, and otherwise controlling business. Harris even spoke of confiscating corporate “patents” if they are partially funded by the government. Corporate taxes for business would increase to the point of being the highest in the free world. Capital gains and wealth taxes would stifle investment. The stock market would decline dramatically with actions such as taxing UNEARNED capital gains.

-         A broken Intelligence network: CIA, DIA, NSA, and 16 other agencies are incompetent and unfocused with lost credibility with failures going back years to such incidents as the USS Pueblo, Cuba missile crisis, JFK assassination, Granada, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran Revolution, Afghanistan, Lebanon Marine Barracks, Reagan shooting, Iran nuke development, Hunting Bin Laden, Crimea/Ukraine/Russia, Somalia, Syria, and Gaza/Israel.

-         Climate Change Obsession. Does anyone really believe humanity's end will happen next year, five years, or twenty years from now? Yes, the climate is changing, as it has done for billions of years. Focus on practical, reasonable solutions, not politically-based answers. Natural gas and innovative nuclear power plants are the answer to low/no emissions. Instead, we need to protect our forests and focus on land, sea, and air pollution.

-         Radical leftists and Progressives are the violent ones – not Republicans. Look at who does the rioting, shooting, killing. Our major Democrat-run cities are under siege by criminals.

-         For me, worse of all, the Democrats represent a relentless movement towards democratic socialism leading to full socialism and worse. It is a slippery slope. This is the insanity of Bernie Sanders, AOC, Talib, Elizabeth Warren, G Newsom, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, J Nadler, Hakeen Jefferies, Barack Obama and so many other old, greedy politicians who have made millions while serving lifetime terms that our Founding Fathers never wanted to see happen. This also applies to greedy Republicans who want to suck from the government teat for their personal wealth.

I hope Trump restores our focus on promoting business, innovation, and growth with reasonable taxes, reorganizes the administrative state to reduce the size and cost of government, establishes effective law enforcement, dramatically reduces regulations and interference in Americans' everyday lives, and ends the wars in the World that are killing hundreds of thousands and costing trillions unless it directly affects our national security.  We should also rely on continuing to be a meritocracy that created the most successful and wealthy country in all humankind, and we should disavow the DEI/WOKE/Gender ideology.

Yes, we must focus on America’s need for change that preserves our “common sense values”, grows the economy, and strengthens our leadership position in the World.

I believe a vote for Harris, is a continuation of the Biden mess. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are committed Socialists. Harris has been influenced by her father who is a Marxist and is a professor at Standford U. She is not to be trusted and will tell voters what they want to hear to gain votes.

I believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I believe in enforcing the Rule of law.

I believe in Patriotic faith in our culture.

I believe in basic Christian-Judeo values.

I believe Trump should be our next President.

So help us, God.


J Shoemaker


Blog #42 Who is Kamala Harris? Here Is Her Sordid History.


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