Blog #9 Why Americans are Bewildered

We are living in confusing, bewildering times that in many ways just do not make sense and threaten our basic understanding of goodness.

We are hammered day after day with what are not only disturbing but seemingly insane notions about our way of thinking, our culture, and our way of life.

Here are some examples:

              * We have to adapt to a wave of “Wokeisms”, Critical Race Theory (CRT), ANTIFA/BLM “peaceful protests”, Defund the Police, No cash bail, and unlimited theft under a $1,000 per incident is a misdemeanor unworthy of prosecution. Not to be left out, we have the other extreme of Oath Keepers, White Supremacy, and the concept of “whiteness” which is something akin to evil.

              * Equity is more important than equality. Racism is used for blaming all social ills. That diversity and the color of your skin are more important than merit. Meritocracy is unacceptable with all its principles to use tests, grades, ratings, performance measurements of all kinds, experience, track record, and more.

              * Those surgical operations are now being done by the hundreds to remove the genitals/breasts of young children (ages 8 to 16) who are told that they need to correct their gender, even without their parent’s permission or because a parent wants the changes for their child. We hear of “Puberty blockers” that stop the effects of puberty that may not align with their gender identities.

              * It is somehow acceptable to allow teachers to educate elementary children about sexual relations, perversions, intersexuality, and details of LGBTQIN+2. This goes so far as to have drag queens perform in class. The focus is drawn away from basic math, English, history, and reading in grade schools.

* “Our border is secure” even as over 2 million migrants crossed the Mexican border last year with little to no vetting, plus hundreds of thousands of what they call “got-aways”. Then there is the fentanyl coming across killing tens of thousands of Americans while Mexican Cartels make billions on trafficking humans and drugs, all of which makes Mexico a war zone. Drug use in city parks and streets is commonplace with all sorts of related crime,  The concept of our nation’s sovereignty is subservient to obtaining more partisan voters.

* Allowing students to be released from paying back their college loans gifting tens of thousands of dollars in benefits to mostly wealthy and those in graduate schools for advanced degrees. The concept of being responsible for honoring their contractual responsibilities is surrendered. It is nothing more than political gamesmanship.

* Talk to any small business owner and you will hear that the youth have been corrupted by a sense that work is not necessary, that leading a disciplined life is not important, and that success should not be hard work. Instead, they see a lack of ambition, commitment, a sense of urgency, and little desire to achieve high goals.

* Reparations is another outrageous concept that says we need to pay thousands of dollars to people who were not alive at the time of slavery hundreds of years ago and funded by taxpayers who are being held responsible for slavery that was banished after the deaths of over half a million mostly white Americans in the Civil War that caused the most destruction in America’s history. While it is posited that slavery is America’s “Original Sin”, it was not America’s original idea as humanity allowed slavery for thousands of years and still continues today around the World.

* America should be a welfare state that allows a whole segment of our society to become dependent on Federal Government subsistence, including free healthcare, food, clothing, education, electronic devices, housing, and even cash. The idea of a guaranteed income further assaults the precepts of self-reliance, independence, and the individual pursuit of happiness.

* America has lost the confidence of major institutions of the Federal Government. Never have we seen in our lifetimes such low esteem for the government’s alphabet soup CDC, NIH, FDA, DOE, DHS, CBP, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, and even the DOT (racist highways). We have experienced their lies, deceptions, mistakes, and misdirection over and over for decades. They have been involved directly or indirectly in causing or exacerbating pandemics, migrations, crime, and war.

* Will America become a one-party political State that changes the Constitution, the rules of law, its values, and its freedoms and begins to limit civil rights, and restrict religion, expression, and movement? Will we lose respect for the government and spiral into chaos? Could it happen? Most have lost faith in a God. Why won’t that happen to faith in “country”?

Will it end with America’s demise? When will it finally become bankrupt, morally, and financially?

America owes nearly $32 Trillion, adding $5 Trillion in the last two years. We are now paying Half-a-Trillion dollars each year for interest alone. It will continue to be in new debt each year by at least $1 Trillion for the next ten years. The rush to print money and spread other people’s wealth is a fool’s rush and squanders our creation.

Anyone who has learned basic math knows this is not sustainable. We will crash if it continues unabated as it has over the past 10 years. It is not an exaggeration, a conspiracy theory, or unforecastable. It is certain to happen. But it continues because the greed for power and money is intoxicating. It is exactly what the Founding Fathers feared.

America is under attack by those who like dependency, demonstrate laziness instead of persistence, and do not value honest ambition. Instead, they look to take from the producers and givers in society, but the takers are too numerous. Half the population of the United States is receiving some kind of financial assistance while not paying income taxes.

Too many forget that America broke the model of humanity’s entire history on the planet Earth that relied on dictatorships, warlords, kings, monarchs, emperors, and despots. We chose to end fascism, autocracy, socialism, kingdoms, communism, and other forms of totalitarianism. Instead, we chose individual freedom, free enterprise, meritocracy, property ownership, and the rule of law.

Now the question is, do we stand on its precipice and watch it fall apart due to the incessant demands of the noisy minority and focus instead on protecting what we have today rather than what we are giving up for tomorrow? We need to return to moderation, respect for life, and self-determination.

Bewildered, yes. Foolish, maybe.

Humanity awaits.

So does China.



Blog #10: “America On Path to Bankruptcy”


Blog #8 Our Broken Moral Compass